If You Miss Someone, Can They Feel It? (15 Telling Signs)

Have you ever wondered if you miss someone can they feel it?

Missing someone is so emotional, it makes sense that the energy that you are feeling can impact the world around you, especially the person that you are missing. 

Missing someone can be a really overwhelming experience, and you may not really know what to do in order to feel better about yourself.

You will typically think about the person you are missing loads, and wonder where they are right now. 

How are they spending their days? Are they happy, or sad? And, most pertinently, can they feel you missing them?

Because of the intensity of missing someone, the person you miss might be feeling your emotions.

There are some incredible spiritual signs that the person you are missing is feeling it, and I want to go through some of these signs with you today. 

Emotions and feelings are energy that influences the world around us.

Our vibrations are linked to the universe, and vice versa.

This means that the things we think and feel have actual implications for the outer world. 

When you know someone, your energies are linked.

This means that when you part with them, there still is some spiritual connection.

This means that when you miss someone, they can feel it. 

If You Miss Someone Can They feel It? – 15 Telling Signs

Woman wondering if you miss someone can they feel it

So, what are some signs that the person you are missing can feel it?

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They Appear In Your Dreams 

Dreams are amazing spiritual tools that allow us to visit higher levels of consciousness and explore new and exciting ideas.

They are often called a window into our soul, allowing us to find out things about ourselves and who we really are as spiritual beings. 

When we are asleep, our souls are much more lively.

Nobody really knows why this is, but it may be because our inhibitions are gone, and we are more open to new experiences. 

If the person you are missing is appearing in your dreams, this suggests that your soul and their soul are linked.

This means that they can feel you missing them, and are subconsciously sending you energy in the dream world. 

You Experience Synchronicities 

Synchronicity is defined as a ‘meaningful coincidence,’ and they will often occur when you miss someone, and they are feeling it. 

Perhaps you are thinking of the person you are missing, and then suddenly a song comes on the radio that is sung by their favorite band.

This may feel super weird, but this is because of the psychic link between you and this person. 

When you are missing someone, you may want to shrug off these synchronicities, saying that ‘everything just reminds me of them because I miss them’.

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However, your soul knows that these coincidences are meaningful, and therefore you need to accept that they are in the universe for a reason. 

❤️ Related Post: How To Recognize The 9 Signs Of Soulmate Synchronicity

You Feel Restless

When wondering if you miss someone can they feel It, it’s important to know when two souls are connected, there is a lot of energy in the universe between them.

This means that you may feel pretty restless when there is distance between you and them. 

If you are feeling particularly restless and bothered, it is because the person you are missing shares the same energy.

They can also not concentrate, being distracted from tasks by an unidentifiable feeling. 

You Hear Their Voice 

If you miss someone, and they can feel it, it means that there is an amazing connection between the two of you.

This means that sometimes, you will hear their voice or vice versa. 

It may not be a loud distinct voice that seems like it is coming from somewhere outside.

In fact, it often will be a small, delicate voice that seems to be coming from somewhere in your own mind or soul. 

Listen to the voice and take comfort in the fact this person, no matter where in the world they are, is still in some way still there with you. 

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Your Mood Changes Suddenly 

Of course, we all have mood swings from time to time!

That is just a part of life, and we can go through so many different emotions all in one day. 

However, if you feel like your mood is changing suddenly because of some weird outside force, this may be because the person you are missing is feeling it.

Because they are feeling your emotions, you can also feel theirs. 

This kind of mood change will typically take you pretty off guard and seemingly comes out of the blue.

However, this is simply your soul being connected with them and therefore getting emotions and feelings from the person you are missing. 

If they are feeling angry, you may suddenly get a wave of anger.

Similarly, if you randomly get an urge to smile and laugh, this may be because the person you are missing is feeling pretty happy right now!

Randomly Saying Their…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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