Chakras & The Universal Laws: How They Correspond

INSIDE: One of the most effective ways to work with the universal laws is to think of them in terms of how they relate to the chakras in the body. Learn about the connection of each right here!


Our growth and potential for expansion are closely linked to the spiritual laws. More so, as Deepak Chopra mentions in an article on MbgMindfulness, each one of our chakras is directly connected to Universal Laws.

Understanding these laws and living in accordance with them can help us lead a much more fulfilling and abundant life.

Universal Laws & the Chakras

Let’s look at how these laws of the Universe can help unblock our chakras and assist us in achieving our full potential.

Root Chakra & The Law of Karma

The Law of Karma is one of the spiritual laws of the universe that is connected to the first chakra (root chakra).

It works on a principle that every action or thought we put out comes back to us. If we do good deeds, good will come to us. If our actions are led by negativity, we will find that we draw in more negative experiences.

When we make a choice to act in a way that is beneficial to those around us, those actions will be reflected back in our reality.

The connection between the Law of Karma and the root chakra lies in our ability to take action. This chakra is located at the base of the spine and represents the place where we connect to the physical world and our needs.

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If it is balanced, we feel grounded, stable, and able to act in a way that makes ourselves and others feel secure. 

When it is unbalanced, however, we act from a place of fear and insecurity. This makes us feel threatened, unable to fulfill our basic needs, and much more prone to negative behavioral patterns.

If we are not mindful of this imbalance, the Law of Karma will then work to bring more similar experiences into our reality.

By taking baby steps, we can try to generate more positive thoughts and behaviors. As we do that, we will find that our environment responds positively.

Chakra Healing Gemstones

Sacral Chakra & The Law of Least Effort

The Law of Least Effort is all about co-creating with the Universe.

Oftentimes, we feel like we need to put in extra effort, time, and energy to make things happen and we leave nothing to chance. As a matter of fact, we may push so hard to get the things that we want, that we create a rebound effect.

The Law of Least Effort works to naturally bring things to us. It is about taking materials or ideas and playing and experimenting with them.

This universal law is about letting spontaneity work in our favor and enlightening us with solutions rather than overthinking and forcing things.

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Because it works to use spontaneity and the flow of life to our advantage, the Law of Least Effort corresponds with the Sacral Chakra, the chakra of creativity and free expression. 

When the energy flows freely through this chakra, we find ourselves effortlessly cruising through life. We are able to manifest with ease and come up with solutions or ideas that allow us to make the best of each given moment. 

When it’s blocked, though, we are unable to let go and accept people and events as they are. We feel like life is a constant struggle and are afraid of losing control and letting the Universe do the work and take us where we need to be. 

Solar Plexus Chakra & The Law of Intention and Desire

The Law of Intention and Desire is based on unlimited potentiality of the Universe. It works as a catalyst for manifestation, as it helps us attract what we desire.

By setting the clear intention and having trust in the Universe, we become open to blessings coming our way.

This way, we allow the Universe to work through us and for us.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is where our self-confidence and personal power is located. This center of personal power and will is connected to the Law of Intention and Desire.

When the energy flows freely through the solar plexus, we have trust in Divine orchestration and that things are unfolding just as planned. We trust in the infinite organizing power that is greater than us and we believe we are deserving of the things we desire.

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When the solar plexus chakra is blocked, though, we often feel undeserving of good things. Manifesting our desires from that energy can be almost impossible as we may start attracting things that only prove the false belief we have about our self-worth.

Heart Chakra & The Law of Giving and Receiving

The Law of Giving and Receiving is the universal law that is directly connected to our ability to give and receive unconditional love.

The Universe is loving, and all we need is to be receptive to universal love. These matters are connected to the Heart Chakra, which is the energetic spot where kindness and compassion flow.

The acts of giving and receiving are directly entwined. As we are kind to others, we allow them to receive kindness. And when someone acts in a loving way towards us, that puts us on the receptive end.

When the heart chakra is open, we act in accordance with the Law…

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