Feng Shui Living Room Do’s & Don’ts

INSIDE: A feng shui living room is a place that encourages sharing, cultivates peace, and invites positive vibrations our way. When the living room is designed and decorated in a way that helps generate positive chi, it becomes a harmonious place we can enjoy sharing with others. Let’s discover how feng shui principles can transform your living room and your life…


The space we live in and our immediate environment are much more than a shelter. It’s a personalized space that reflects who we are and it’s where we feel most comfortable to unapologetically be ourselves.

According to Nature.com scientific reports, researchers have found that there is a positive correlation between beautiful surroundings and scenery and our mood and contentment.

Today, thanks to modern design approaches and feng shui principles, we can make the most of the space we live in. Feng shui is decades old and is a tried method that can help us elevate the energy in a room, attract abundance, and so much more.

Because the living room is such an important part of every home, both to family and guests, it should be mindfully decorated to attract positive energy and repel negative energy.

With that in mind, we are presenting our feng shui living room tips and tricks to elevate your living space. We’ve got a lot to share! Let’s get started…

Amethyst Geodes

Feng Shui Living Room Do’s & Don’ts

In feng shui, a living room is the place for socializing and gathering. No matter if you are buying or building a new home or are looking to modify and upgrade your existing living space, feng shui can help you create a serene living environment that simply nourishes your soul.

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There are many tips you can follow to ensure the accumulation of the good Qi in your living space. Here are some key ones to help you get started…

The Closer to Main Entrance, The Better

In feng shui, the living room should be the closest to the home entrance. It is a busy space and is a form of reception for every home. It welcomes guests, brings family members closer, and is where most socialization takes place. 

Guests don’t have to roam around and pass by secluded, more private parts of our home to reach it. A living room that is located next to the entrance helps separate our energy from the energy of others, keeping a healthy energetic distance between a private and social life.

In the case when a living room is further from the entrance, it is essential to make the hallway to it as minimally decorated as possible. The path to it should always be easily walkable and as direct as possible to prevent confusion and chaos and to protect your privacy.

The Bigger Room, The Better

The principles of feng shui are best incorporated in a living room that is spacious and welcoming. Ideally, because this is the lively part of the house where chi is constantly accumulating and people are coming and leaving, it should be the biggest room in the whole home.

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If your living room is already small and you can’t make it any bigger spatially, opt for light colored furniture and decor to open up the space visually and make it appear larger.

feng shui living room layout

Large Windows Are Ideal

When it comes to feng shui living room ideas and design, the main rule is this: the more natural light the better, and the bigger the windows, the better. Not only does the room need to have windows and natural light, but it is also essential that those windows bring in enough sunshine to illuminate and freshen up the space. Windows are especially important because they invite fresh, high vibrational energy into the room. 

The living room needs a direct source of fresh air and natural light, as this has a positive impact on the mood and makes us feel alert and alive. If possible, it is best if the living room has a view of the yard. If not, do what you can to make the living room view as beautiful as possible. 

Opt for a Tall Ceiling

The living room is always buzzing with energy because it welcomes not only the energy of our household members but also everyone else’s energy. Narrow and slanted ceilings can make us feel suffocated and stifled. They restrict both our movement and the flow of chi in a space.

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On the flip side, tall ceilings create enough space for everyone’s energy. The flow of chi is unruffled, and energy exchange flows with ease. Tall ceilings create a sense of openness, freedom, and expansion, making the stay in the living room much more pleasant.

Be Mindful of the Living Room Orientation

Similar to the front door rule, it is also preferable if the living room is located in the front of the house. This is the side of the home where we welcome people, and it’s also the side that we let everyone see.

When the feng shui living room is located at the backyard-facing side of the house, it invites others to overstep boundaries and contributes to the accumulation of tension and foreign energy in a home.

Avoid Complex Space Design

In feng shui, corners provide angles for energy to get stuck. If you are…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in CosmicCuts.com. All the rights of content are owned by CosmicCuts.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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