Fluorite Metaphysical Properties, Benefits & Everyday Uses

An acclaimed crystal, Fluorite is known for its spiritual detoxification properties and the ability to transform negative energy into positive energy, boosting our mental clarity and helping us achieve peace of mind.

The purpose of this article is to explore 11 of the Fluorite metaphysical properties, its benefits, as well as everyday uses of Fluorite. 

Fluorite is derived from the Latin word flux, which means flowing and mixing materials to create better materials.

In addition to its shifting colors, this word describes Fluorite’s ability to unblock stagnant energy and promote energy flow. 

Fluorite is commonly used as a flux to join different metals, making its name a very fitting one. In addition to clear and transparent shades, Fluorite is also available in blue, yellow, purple, and brown.

When held under certain angles of ultraviolet light, Fluorite emits a fluorescent glow, giving it a magical glow.

There are many different shades and colors of this enigmatic crystal, and every one of them is as captivating as the next. 

What Are Fluorites Metaphysical Properties And Benefits?

the metaphysical properties of Fluorite

Due to its rarity, incredible colors, and designs, Fluorite has been prized throughout history, and it remains one of the most sought-after stones to this day.

The use of this crystal will bring harmony and beauty into your life on a level few have ever experienced, whether in meditation, on your body, or on your altar.

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Let us take a look at eleven of the metaphysical properties of Fluorite and how it can benefit your life. 

1. Great stone for affirmations

The Fluorite stone is often used in homes and work environments to absorb negative energy and eliminate it.

The metaphysical properties of Fluorite make it a perfect crystal for affirmation use since it enhances positive energy.

As it comes in many different colors, this stone connects to all the chakras.

Stress is released, and this crystal neutralizes negative energies. Furthermore, Fluorite facilitates concentration and focus by stimulating the mind. 

2. Clears the solar plexus chakra

Yellow Fluorite’s golden hue is a good match for those seeking to clear their solar plexus chakra.

Ready to wake up dormant psychic abilities, work wonders using balancing properties.

With meditation, healing group energy, and saying yes to life’s sunny flow, Yellow Fluorite is all positive intent with meditation, healing group energy, and saying yes to life’s optimistic flow.

❤️ See also: 10 Stones & Crystals For Balancing The Solar Plexus Chakra

3. Clarity 

clarity is a metaphysical benefit of fluorite

The 3rd on this list of Fluorite Metaphysical Properties is clarity. With its connection to the crown chakra, Clear Fluorite focuses on bringing clarity to your mind.

A Clear Fluorite crystal is a fantastic addition to someone who tends to get muddled in their thinking and who craves a slicker perspective on things. 

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As a result, you are able to see more clearly, make fewer mistakes and find solutions to problems.

In addition to working in harmony with other crystals, Clear Fluorite enhances the energy of your favorite stones, making it a famous stone for aligning chakras.

4. Spiritual awakening 

Blue Fluorite is a beautiful healer of the throat chakra.

It elevates your voice so it catches the attention of others.

This stone’s calming blue energy is about rational thinking, spiritual awakening, and cutting through the noise to improve communication.

You are able to focus more on your soul when using this stone.

Your ability to hear your inner thoughts and awaken your spiritual awareness is overwhelmingly powerful when you use this crystal to help open you up to the ‘voices’ around you. 

5. Protection

Purple Fluorite’s energy is similar to that of the Amethyst, as it opens the third eye chakra, provides protection, and is a radiant pleasure to possess.

Its luminous light and love make it the ideal amulet for those who thirst for more profound spiritual connections in their lives.

You tend to feel safer and lighter when wearing this stone.

You can feel the powerful aura of light and love that is placed upon you for your mental, emotional and physical protection. 

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6. Boosts Self-love and confidence 

confidence is a metaphysical benefit of fluorite

Fluorite’s fabulous healing properties will help you spring clean your soul and clear out the junk in your mind.

Crystals like this one are among the most popular aura cleansers as they remove smoky uncertainty, allowing you to make decisions based on truth and clarity. 

This beautiful crystal has healing properties for your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing.

Hence, it is ideal for those who have trouble gaining direction, tend to hold themselves back by worry, and require a little help towards self-love and confidence.

7. Wavers any negative energies 

Fluorite stone is well…

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