Gather Around The Reiki Christmas Tree

Yey! The holiday season is here! Merry Christmas everyone!
We hope your holidays are filled with healing, laughter, and love.

And yes, we know sometimes is hard not to burn yourself out, overgiving, overdoing, overpushing your boundaries, and staying up until morning wrapping presents. [Okay, the presents part is fun and exciting! <3] But the greatest gift you can give yourself, or anyone else actually, is the gift of your own pure presence and divine alignment. 

We’ve all witnessed how the energy and frequency of someone magically change when they feel seen, heard, accepted, and unconditionally loved. Such a transformative experience!

This is the reason why we’re inviting you to join us around the Reiki Tree on Christmas Day and give back to yourself as well by seeing, hearing, accepting, and unconditionally loving your true self. Even though every day is a good time to show gratitude and share kindness, it’s especially prominent around Christmas time and New Year, so let’s make use of this amplified healing energy!

Before connecting to the energy of the Reiki Christmas Tree, check the following boxes/suggestions:

  • Release the pressure. Include this self-care activity into your everyday planner. We know it’s a busy time of the year but YOU definitely deserve 5 minutes of your blessed time.
  • Mindful breathing and reading it out loud should be on your TO DO list while connecting to the Reiki Christmas Tree. They set the tone for a successful manifestation practice.
  • Find your sacred space! It could be on top of your bed, under the Christmas Tree or in nature. 
  • Oh, yeah! Avoid distractions and disruptions. Put your phone on silent mode or close it for 5 minute. Hopefuly, the world will keep going for 5 minutes. Fingers crossed!
  • Give yourself some well deserved recognition for getting through it all this year and visualize like walking anew into connecting to the Reiki Christmas Tree – let go of expectations, projections, fears; while reading it, everything is possible and you’re worthy of every blessing you’re about to receive.
  • Involving your senses will magnify the power of our Reiki Christmas Tree so let every word you’re saying out loud dive deeply within yourself. Let it vibrate inside of you. No rush. You cannot rush a flower into blooming but you can create the right conditions for its growth process.
  • If possible, connect to and read the Reiki Christmas Tree every day between Christmas and New Year. It’s such a powerful timing to set out intentions and forging new paths in your life.
  • The more, the merrier. Invite your family and friends to join you throughout this practice!
Christmas Wish List Planner

We thank you for being part of our Reiki family! Our wish for this year’s Christmas is to keep growing and expanding the love and light in these times of great need for awareness and healing! And we know it will very soon come true!

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Reiki Christmas blessings to you and your entire family,
Reiki Rays Team

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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