Gut Feeling You’re Meant To Be With Someone? 35 No BS Signs

Dating is so much more than just going out with another person. 

It can be a complex and confusing process. 

You may have more than one potential partner to choose from, but only one of them will be right for you. 

This is where listening to your gut comes into significance. 

Your gut instinct can tell you which person is the right one, but if you don’t listen to it or even ignore it, then your relationship may fall apart before it ever gets started.

In the following, we’ll be discussing everything on the gut feeling you’re meant to be with someone. 

How to Know if an Instinct Is a Gut Feeling

In order to tell whether or not an instinct is a gut feeling, you must first understand what a gut feeling is in the first place. 

A gut feeling is an intuitive reaction to something that happens without conscious thought. 

Gut feelings are usually connected to feelings of love, but they can also be used for decision-making and problem-solving.

If you have ever had a strong sense about something—such as knowing when someone was going to say something you didn’t want them to say—that was your intuition or gut at work! 

Intuition comes from our subconscious mind and actually knows more than we think it does.

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However, it can often be clouded by emotional responses that come through our ego-centered thinking processes known as fear or habit patterns (or both). 

The key here is not only recognizing these emotional blocks but also learning how they affect us so that we don’t mistake them for intuition.

When trying to figure out if your intuition/gut might be right about something important in your life, ask yourself these questions:

  • Does this new situation make me feel uncomfortable?
  • Do I have strong negative emotions around this person or situation?
  • Is there anything about this situation that makes me angry or sad but doesn’t make sense because nothing happened yet?

How Your Body Speaks to You

Gut feeling you're meant to be with someone

When it comes to finding the right person and creating a relationship that lasts, there’s plenty of advice in the world about how you can go about doing so. 

But what does your body have to say?

Well, your gut instinct is the most important thing when it comes to deciding whether or not you should get into a relationship with someone—and even if you’ve already started dating them!

When we’re attracted to someone, our bodies react differently than they would if we were just friends or acquaintances. 

Our heart rate increases, our palms sweat slightly (or more than slightly), and other physical reactions occur as well. 

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And when we feel that spark between us and another person—that undeniable chemistry—the signs are clear. 

We know deep down that this connection is significant.

Most of us have gotten so used to ignoring our bodies that we’ve lost touch with what our bodies are trying to tell us. 

Getting back in touch with your body and listening to its messages is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. 

Most importantly, it’s a significant way to listen to your gut instinct and see if someone is right for you or not.

What to Do When Your Gut is Right but Your Heart Says Otherwise

Sometimes you have to listen to your gut, but sometimes you have to listen to your heart.

If you feel like the relationship is not working, it may be time for a change.

If this person’s actions don’t match up with their words, or if they are disrespectful or dismissive of you in any way, then get out of the relationship! 

You deserve better than that.

However—and this is important—if you’re feeling like something doesn’t feel right but there isn’t anything specific that they’re doing wrong, maybe it’s just not meant to be after all. 

Sometimes, relationships aren’t meant to last forever. 

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Sometimes, they’re just stepping stones on our journey toward something better and more fulfilling down the road. 

Don’t discount those feelings, as they could save both of us months (or years) wasted trying things that aren’t working out anyway.

Can You Always Trust Your Gut Instinct?

Trusting your gut instinct

The answer is yes, you can always trust your gut instinct. 

However, take note that they are only accurate when basing them purely on instinct alone and not combined with your emotions and thoughts. 

Your gut instinct is a built-in survival mechanism that helps protect you from danger. 

It’s human nature to feel uneasy when something doesn’t feel right, and this is just one way that the body communicates with us. 

Our bodies know best and if something seems off about someone or their actions, it’s important to listen carefully to what they’re saying or doing before deciding between them.

It’s also important not to let our heads get in the way of listening closely to our bodies’ signals when we’re getting into a new…

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