Powerful Daily Affirmations To Improve Your Life

Ask any highly successful person how they maintain their motivation and focus to achieve their ambitious goals, and chances are their answer will be, “daily affirmations!”

I have met countless successful business people, Olympic and professional athletes, NY Times bestselling authors, and visionary changemakers who all use daily positive affirmations to stay energized and focused on their goals, no matter what’s happening in the world around them. They have all told me that their daily affirmations practice has had a game-changing impact on their lives.

Today I’d like to teach you how daily affirmations for success actually work and show you how to write affirmations that will make it so much easier for you to achieve your life goals.

I’ll also answer common questions such as:

“What is a daily affirmation?”
“Are morning affirmations better than evening affirmations?”
“How to write affirmations that work?”

… and so much more!

What is a Daily Affirmation?

Simply put, daily affirmations are clear, positive statements that are designed to help you create change in yourself so you become the kind of person who is capable of accomplishing your goals in life.

Do this by stating your goals in the present tense, as if they’ve already been achieved – so that thought and desire to experience that stated reality is always top of mind for you.

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For example, if your goal is to become a bestselling author, your affirmation could be something like, “I am so happy and grateful to be holding my NY Times number-one bestseller in my hands!”

Sounds simple, right? But it’s also very powerful.

Not only do affirmations keep you focused on your goals, but they can also liberate you from negative thought patterns, boost your self-esteem, and allow you to maintain a high level of energy and enthusiasm as you work toward your goals. This will make it easier for you to stay positive and attract the people and resources you need to make your dreams a reality.

5 Proven Benefits of Daily Affirmations

Studies show that repeating daily positive affirmations can help eliminate negative thought patterns and boost self-esteem, which can help you take bigger risks and get better results in everything you do.

Here are just a few of the benefits you’ll experience from a regular affirmation practice:

1. Combats Negative Self-Talk

Repeating affirmations to yourself every day helps you become more aware of your thoughts and true self. You’re quicker to notice when your thoughts veer into negative territory. You’ll find it easier to replace that negative self-talk with meaningful affirmations that boost your self-worth and keep you focused on the positive.

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2. Decreases Stress

Negative thinking is a major source of stress. When we tell ourselves things like, “You’re going to fail!” it triggers our physiological “fight or flight” response and makes it hard to remain calm and think clearly.

But when we replace our negative thoughts with a positive self-affirmation that emphasizes our good qualities and helps us feel proud of who we are, it’s easier to remain focused on the positive.

3. Alleviates Anxiety

A recent study proved that replacing negative thoughts with positive ones and imagining positive outcomes can help people who have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) manage their negative emotions.

By focusing on positive results, they were better able to remain calm and centered even in stressful situations and concentrate on the task at hand.

4. Eases Depression

The brain naturally develops a ‘negativity bias,’ which helped keep the earliest humans on a constant lookout for signs of danger so they could react immediately to any threats in their environment …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in jackcanfield.com. All the rights of content are owned by jackcanfield.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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