How To Manifest Anything – 8 Amazing Tips | Welcome To Wicca Now

Hi, beauties! Today I thought we’d explore a topic close to my heart and one that many of you also seem to be especially interested in, namely the concept of manifesting. We’ll discover the secrets of manifesting, what works and what doesn’t and explore some of the main principles behind the Law of Attraction. Are you ready to get started?

How to Manifest Correctly

Sometimes getting what we want can feel like a real battle am I right? Maybe you’ve been working overtime on a project and despite your best efforts things just don’t seem to be taking off? Or you feel like your partner has been ignoring you lately and you have no idea why? (check out our potent honey jar love spell or some love spells that work). Maybe things at work aren’t going as well as you’d hoped and you feel like you’re stuck in a rut? (Check out our spell for career success)

For many of us, life can feel like an uphill battle and despite our best efforts, we find ourselves exhausted and unsatisfied at the end of the day. We ask ourselves why our actions have, again, failed to produce the results we’d hoped for and feel slightly disillusion with life.

How to manifest correctly
Despite our best efforts, often things just don’t seem to ‘flow’ as easily as we might like.

If you can relate to any of this you’ve come to the right place. Together we’re going to discover how you can use the Law of Attraction to manifest the life you desire without leaving you feeling like you’ve been rolled over by a truck at the end of the day.

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You may have heard the expression that ‘everything is energy’ am I right? Or perhaps you’ve come across the famous quote by Nikola Tesla where he states that “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Learning how to manifest, simply put, means working together in harmony with, rather than in opposition to the energies of the universe in order to attract the things which you desire into your direct experience.

Working with the Law of Attraction, which states that ‘that which is alike is drawn unto itself’, manifesting correctly involves tuning into the frequency of that which you desire in order to become like a magnet to it, thereby drawing more and more of it into your experience. 

This should be done in an easy manner without ‘trying too hard’ as this would directly contradict the vibration of ease and flow which we are looking to achieve. 

My Top 3 Tips for Correctly Manifesting

  1. Focus
  2. Let go
  3. Feel good

For real, it can be that easy! I know that we all have a tendency to devalue things which have not been attained through hard work and effort. Learning to trust that things can and are in fact already flowing into our lives with ease can be difficult in the beginning, but trust me, you’ll soon start to get the hang of it.  

Manifesting using the law of attraction.
Manifesting using the Law of Attraction should be joyful, fun and easy. If you feel like you’re trying to hard to achieve a certain result, let it go and focus on something else for a while.

In my experience, we tend to make things much harder than they need to be and manifesting does not need to be a complicated process. In fact, the ease and joy with which we can all experience the generosity of the universe is part of the reason why working with the Law of Attraction is so much fun!

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Remember: NOT trying is part of the formula. The last thing I would encourage is for anyone to attempt to manifest a desired outcome through hard work and efforting. I promise, after a while, the process of manifesting will become like second nature to you and you will look back at your previous struggle in wonder.

In order to keep with the spirit of lightheartedness and ease which we have been discussing, I will not delve deeper into the metaphysics regarding the Law of Attraction, we also won’t be discussing the cutting edge research in quantum physics which validates some of the ideas discussed here. Nor will we be covering the ancient or modern-day mystics, teachers and channellers whose teaching inspires us to create our own reality through the power of our thoughts. 

If you would like to learn more about the quantum physics side of manifesting I suggest checking out the work of:

For Channelling and mediums and mystics check out:

My Recommended 3-step Manifesting System

1: Focus on what you want. (You’ll know when your there because you will start to feel really good and energy will begin to flow through your body in a more noticeable way)

2: Let it go. 

3: Feel good as often and as intensely as you can.

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That’s it! The universe handles the rest. Period. 

If there’s anything else that you need to do in order to attract the manifestation into your experience you’ll feel it as an inspiration. I encourage you to follow your inspired thoughts as often as possible. 

Learn how to manifest
Focus on the feeling of happiness as much as you can. Find time to…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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