14 Powerful Crystals for Grounding and Protecting Your Energy

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Grounding is the intentional act of connecting to the earth.

It can help stabilize your energy, clear negative energy, and connect you to the present moment.

Connecting to mother earth is a way to clear your auric field by touching your physical body to the earth.

You can practice grounding techniques any time you’d like, but sometimes it’s just not easy to get outside.

That’s where crystals for grounding can help!

Crystals for grounding are a great way to help you maintain and protect your energy.

You can wear them, keep them in your pocket, or even keep them on your desk.

The key is to use them as touchstones to help ground your energy as needed.

You can even program them to keep your energy clear and protected throughout the day.

Let’s get into the specifics of how to use crystals for grounding and energy protection!

14 powerful crystals for grounding and protecting your energy

Crystals for grounding: How do they work?

Everything on earth is made up of energy.

Everything vibrates at a certain frequency.

That frequency can be felt by others.

If you’ve ever walked into a room and immediately sensed danger, walked by someone and knew they were angry or walked in on people having an argument, you’ve felt that frequency!

Crystals work much the same way.

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Because they come from the earth and are made of different minerals, they carry the energy associated with that mineral.

Holding, wearing, or keeping specific crystals nearby can help you connect to that specific frequency.

This can clear and attune your frequency to the crystal, changing the vibration of your body.

Grounding crystals connect with the deep energy of the earth.

Earth energy is connected to the root or base chakra in your body.

The root chakra is your base chakra.

It is the foundation of your energy.

It represents safety, security, protection, and feeling rooted in your life.

Crystals for grounding hold that earth energy and help attune your lower chakras to it.

They can help you feel connected while also keeping your energy clear and balanced.

woman meditating on floor

How do you use grounding crystals?

Crystals have their own frequency, which is associated with their mineral makeup and the properties we associate with it.

But they can also pick up and hold the frequency of the things around them, which can muddy their inherent properties.

This is why smudging is important when you first work with a crystal.

It clears the energy the crystal picked up from the people and other things in its previous environment.

This resets its energy to its inherent properties.

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Then you can program the crystal to hold YOUR intentions.

One: Clear the crystal’s energy by smudging it with sage or another smudging herb.

You can also run some crystals under water, place them in a bowl of salt, place them on a selenite slab, or set them in the window under a full moon.

Any of these things can cleanse the crystal’s energy so that you can begin to work with it. (Want to learn more about smudging? Try this post: How to smudge. And this post: How to cleanse your crystals.)

woman meditating with crystal bracelet

Two: Once you’ve cleansed the crystal, you can program it with your intentions.

To program a crystal for grounding, you should hold it in your hand.

Feel the feelings of being grounded or rooted in the earth.

Feel all of your worries, fears, and concerns melting away.

Feel the feelings of the earth energy surrounding you and protecting you.

Imagine a protective bubble around you, where all negativity bounces away and isn’t allowed to enter your auric field.

Three: Now that you’ve programmed your crystal, you can use it to keep you grounded!

Different ways to use crystals for grounding:

  • As a touchstone. Hold it any time you need to feel grounded or protected.
  • As an amulet. Wear the crystal or keep it in your pocket to ward off negative energy in your daily life.
  • During meditation. To deepen your relationship with the earth and its protective energy and stabilize energetic boundaries.
  • To make crystal water. Place it near your water bottle to program the water with grounded energy.
  • To make an energetic spray. You can use small crystal chips to create an energetic spray that cleanses the energy of your space or auric field.
  • Keep a small one under your pillow to clear your aura while you sleep.
  • Create a crystal grid to transmute specific negative energies or protect you in a certain situation.
woman using sound bowl

12 Crystals for grounding and energy protection:

Let’s go through the different crystals for grounding and protection!

  • red jasper
  • smoky quartz
  • black obsidian
  • black onyx
  • black tourmaline
  • shungite stone
  • hematite stones
  • tiger’s eye
  • moss agate
  • black jasper
  • fire agate
  • tourmalinated quartz
  • mahogany obsidian
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Red jasper:

red jasper

Red jasper ranges in color from brownish red to almost orange because it’s filled with iron inclusions.

It represents passion that is grounded…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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