How To Surrender To The Universe: 10 Tips To Release Control

Surrendering your life to the will of the Universe is the last and most important step in manifesting what you want. 

In this article, I am going to teach you how to let go and surrender to the Universe, letting go of our need to control things,  as this can be a real challenge for most of us. 

We have been conditioned to take as much action as possible and to try to obtain as much security from life as possible. 

However, miracles sometimes happen when you stop trying to force your life on a certain path or to control the direction in which you are going. 

Sounds difficult? It is actually not. All you have to do is learn how to have faith in the Universe and fully surrender to it. 

What Does it Mean to Surrender to the Universe?

A Buddhist proverb that I really like says that “the key to happiness lies in having the courage to change what you can change, the power to accept what you cannot change, and the wisdom to know the difference between the two situations.” 

This proverb is saying that there are situations in life in which you have to take action and make changes,  but also moments in which you have to stop doing anything and release control. 

In other words, simply allow things to happen.

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The real challenge is knowing how to differentiate between the two situations.

When you’re manifesting something, at first you are doing all the visualization, raising your vibration, and everything that aligns you to what you want to achieve. 

At the end of the process, you are releasing all control, you stop taking action, and allow to Universe to bring to you what it chooses to bring. 

Surrendering to the Universe means to stop trying to force anything to happen and not doing more than you are supposed to do in a certain situation.

Surrendering to the Universe means releasing all control and having faith that the Universe is working in your favor.

This can sometimes be a bit hard to do, especially if you were raised in a controlling family, in which your parents were trying to control the outcome of every situation. 

Releasing control is also difficult if you suffer from anxiety or if life has disappointed you really badly in the past.

You could feel that by controlling every aspect of your life and every possible outcome, you are protecting yourself from more disappointment, and bringing more safety and security into your life.

However, releasing control and trusting the Universe will allow your life to “flow” on the right path, and it is most likely to bring you a lot of amazing things.

If you are having trouble releasing control of your life and allowing your life to flow, below are 10 tips that will help you know how to surrender to the universe:

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How to Surrender to the Universe?

showing how to surrender to the universe

1. Believe that the Universe has your back 

The first step to truly letting go and surrendering to the Universe is believing that the Universe / God / The Source or whatever you want to call it, really loves you and wants what is best for you. 

If you don’t have faith that the Higher Power has your best interest in mind and that it will always have your back, it will be impossible to surrender.

No one wants to surrender to a force that is “out to get them”. 

Sometimes, people can feel that life goes against them or that the Universe must hate them when they are going through heartbreaking, difficult situations that make no sense to them.

However, this can also be seen as a spiritual test regarding how much faith are you willing to have?

Everyone goes through hard times and will be miserable from time to time because life on Earth is not meant to be all fun and games. 

But at the end of the day, all these hardships are meant to help you grow and evolve in order to become your best version, and the sun rises again even after the worst storm.

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Thus, learning to have faith and believe that the Universe or God actually loves you no matter what, it’s the first step in surrendering to the Universe.

2. Believe that it is already yours

One important step of surrendering to the Universe is believing that whatever you wished for, is already yours. 

A Bible quote that I really love says “Whatever you asked for, believe that it is already yours”. 

This is just one way in which you can see that surrendering to the Universe involves faith. 

When you believe that what you’ve wished for is already on its way to you, you can relax and release all control. 

If you are going to receive it anyway, then what is the point of trying to control the process? 

3. Give up on your worries 

Give up control to the universe

When you are worried about a certain outcome, just imagine that you give your worries to the Universe or to your Guardian Angels and that they will take care of it. 

When we constantly worry about something, we create a huge amount…

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