Psychology Explains 3 Reasons Why You Make the Wrong Friends

People are social creatures, so they need to be around people. But making friends is complex, and sometimes people make the wrong friends. This outcome happens, in particular, when people are younger. But that doesn’t mean you’ll learn from your mistakes as you get older. If you don’t, you’ll be stuck with some genuinely toxic people for the rest of your life.  

Some people don’t realize how important it is to analyze potential friends. They just become friends with whomever they can. This acceptance happens because people think that more is more in social situations. But having more friends doesn’t mean you’ll be happier. More friends could indicate a higher likelihood of having bad friends. Just like in most other cases, less is more. 

You need to aim for quality even in friendships. You want to be surrounded by people who will bring something to the table. But you’ll see that the wrong friends do more harm than good. They are the ones who suck the life out of you and hang you up to dry when it suits them. Toxic people don’t bring any value to your life. But why do you keep attracting those kinds of people? Psychology can easily explain why you keep making the wrong friends and can show you how to fix it.  

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3 Reasons Why You Make the Wrong Friends

Why do you befriend harmful people? Psychology explains.

1 – You Don’t Know How to Be Alone, So You Welcome the Wrong Friends Into Your Life.

Loneliness is no minor issue. It’s one of the leading causes of mental health issues. In this day and age, people are lonelier than ever. But that doesn’t mean you need to make friends at all costs. Still, the fear of having no one to rely on will make you take what you can get. You’ll still be friends even if you know that person is terrible for you. 

But you’ll inevitably get attached to that friend because you view them as the reason you’re not alone. Even if, later on, you want to cut them loose, you won’t be able to. When you’re feeling lonely, that’s not the time to get close to anyone else. It’s better to reach out to the people you already know and connect with. Otherwise, you’ll allow bad people in your life when you are the most vulnerable. 

These people will take advantage of you and steer you in the wrong direction. They know you don’t have anyone else to hang out with, so that gives them a reason to believe you’ll do anything they want. You could end up in toxic and dangerous circles and situations through them. Even if they seem friendly initially, it’s better to avoid slightly shady people. If you have to choose between becoming their friend and being alone, always choose the latter.  

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2 – You Give Toxic People Too Many Chances.

In justice, all people are innocent until proven guilty. This principle is highly moral, which is why it adapts well to social life. Most people know this principle as “giving people a second chance.” You can allow someone to prove they have changed or that you misunderstood them. But if they disappoint you again, that should be the end of the road. 

Many people fall into the trap of giving someone too many chances. That’s how you end up having the wrong friends. If the right people surround you, you won’t need to keep giving them opportunities. They won’t do …

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