Is Your Reiki Better than My Reiki?

As we know, Reiki’s spiritually guided energy manifests through dozens of different styles and systems of Reiki, and new additions continue to be channeled and developed with seemingly increased frequency. In meditation, my guides tell me this is purposeful and in keeping with the evolution of Reiki and its role in the new earth. Because of the planet’s ongoing and arduous emergence into the New Consciousness, Reiki is becoming more mainstream, more widely available, and more recognized as a powerful healing modality in its own right. Also, my guides have said that its efficacy as a complement to western medicine and as a vehicle of spiritual growth will continue to garner more attention and appreciation worldwide. Therefore, the numerous choices available allow Reiki to guide individuals to the style that is just right for them.

As I write this in August of 2020, their message is comforting and heartening, given the extreme and unprecedented turmoil, strife, and upheaval rampaging across the globe. Gaia is struggling mightily to birth the new earth under the collective weight of a pandemic, catastrophic climate changes, economic collapses, and extreme ideological polarity. When I feel overwhelmed by the challenges, my guides continue to gently remind me that everything is purposeful and that these struggles are necessary as Gaia prepares herself for the arrival of the new earth, and with it, the New Consciousness. They also assure me that, as a gift from Spirit, the loving energy of Reiki is an essential component of the emergence process, and is also integral in the formation of the new earth and beyond.

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While these messages are helpful and encouraging, living in the chaotic energy of earthly life nowadays remains rife with challenges, and it appears that nothing is unaffected by these shifts – not even for those who practice Reiki. Over the past few years, I have observed a manifestation of global discord and conflict among Reiki practitioners in the form of heightened disagreements about what style or system of Reiki is “the best.” I have also noted a tendency for some practitioners to disparage alternative Reiki training methods, especially those delivered online or via distance. This trend has devolved into a “My reiki is better than your Reiki” mindset. From my perspective, this is a disturbing development, counterintuitive to the all-encompassing Spirit of Reiki, and it seems to be a reflection of the conflict-ridden times in which we live. My deepening concern over this rift has led me, with Reiki’s guidance, to share my thoughts on the issue.

At this pivotal time in humanity’s history, it is critical and necessary that, as Reiki practitioners (“Bearers of the Light” according to my guides), we rise above the petty squabbles and disputes, and set aside our superficial differences. Indulging our egos and engaging in these behaviors serve only to lower our vibrational frequencies, individually and collectively,…

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