My Dreams Feel So Real

The vivid dreams’ spiritual meaning is important. It helps us to know what the universe has to say to us. Why do your dreams feel so real? Let us discuss this.

Vivid dreams are mentally and spiritually connected. When you have vivid dreams, your mental state is affected as well as your spiritual state.

This makes the concept of vivid dreams important to discuss. Why should you have vivid dreams? Is it a normal part of life to have such dreams?

Before we discuss further, let me define what vivid dreams mean to you:

Vivid dreams are special. They are the dreams that feel so real and closely connected to our real-life experiences.

When you have a vivid dream, you will wake up with a clear picture of the dream in your mind.

For example: if you had a vivid dream of running in a dream, you will wake up palpitating, sweating, and feeling exhausted. 

That is how real a vivid dream can be. We are going to experience vivid dreams at one point in our lives or the other. This makes an understanding of the vivid dreams’ spiritual meaning extremely important. 

This article has a lot of amazing information for you. We will talk about the reason for vivid dreams as well as the spiritual messages of having vivid dreams.

What do Vivid Dreams Mean Spiritually?

Vivid Dreams in Spiritual World

Vivid dreams mean a spiritual image that comes to guide us. Mentally speaking, people who have vivid dreams are sleeping well. In the spiritual world, people who have vivid dreams are guided by the universe. 

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When you notice a consistent vivid dream pattern, open your mind enough to be guided by the spiritual world.

The dreams you are having will become a message that eventually answers all the questions of your heart.

In spirituality, vivid dreams are one of the spirit’s powerful tools of guidance and instruction. Therefore, you need to open yourself to them.

You should always think about the vivid dreams you have. It brings clarity.

Why do my Dreams feel so real lately? Spiritual Meaning

Real dreams in spiritual world

Vivid dreams are dreams that feel so real. As earlier stated, it will happen to us all. The frequency might differ, but the certainty is sure. Now, if you have been experiencing vivid dreams lately, you should pay attention to this section.

The concept of vivid dreams should not be taken lightly. The reason is that failure to understand what the dream means can cause catastrophe in our lives.

Therefore, there are 4 spiritual reasons and meanings for having vivid dreams lately. Let us talk about them.

1. You have not been paying enough attention to the spiritual signs around

Spiritual sign

When you have consistent vivid dreams, it spiritually indicates that you have failed to pay enough attention to the spiritual signs around you.

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In the spiritual world, this is something to worry about. Several spiritual signs are around us. The problem lies in our ability to pick up these signs.

Without spirituality, humanity is lost.

It is the interference of the spiritual world that keeps us on track and guides us on how to navigate our course in life. 

Once you lose sight of that, vivid dreams will become consistent. The reason is that your spiritual senses need to be awakened.

This is the reason, and also a message.

Whenever you stop paying attention to the spiritual world, vivid dreams will come. 

This is why you find it difficult to focus on other physical activities. Your mind has not been settled after having that dream because the message has not been gotten.

You need spiritual sensitivity to get the message in clearer terms.

2. Your desires have engulfed your totality

Planning your life

Do you know that your vivid dreams can only focus on your future plans? Yes, it can.

Once this happens, know that your desires have engulfed your whole life.

In the spiritual world, having consistent vivid dreams about your plans and future goals is good. It shows that you are focused and determined to bring those plans to reality.

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Another way to look at this message is from the affirmation angle.

The fact that you’ve had consistent vivid dreams about your future plans (with yourself achieving them) means that the universe has permitted you to accomplish such a task.

It indicates that your desires will become a reality.

Having vivid dreams about your career goals and plans shows you as focused and determined.

It also assures you of fulfilling and accomplishing all that you have ever desired to achieve. This is another spiritual meaning and reason for having vivid dreams lately.

3. The time has come to do something

You need to start your project

One of the elements of spirituality that we should never forget is the element of perfect timing.

There is something called perfect timing. We need to know this and believe in it. When the time comes for you to do something, the universe will send signs to you. 

The signs can come through objects, animals, humans, body language, or dreams.

Having vivid dreams is one of the…

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