Oracle Card Reading February 27 – March 05, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Elements

Many world philosophies teach us that the universe is made up of elements which, when harmoniously balanced, support the proper flow of spiritual and life force energy. That goes for humans too. This card inspires you to purify these inner elements – Earth, Water, Air, Fire – and restore balance, health, and vibrant energy in your physical, astral, mental, and spiritual bodies.

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2. Faith

Having faith is the key to achieving something great in life. Something like your true self! You have to keep the commitment to yourself no matter what and have faith in your own healing process; in your own abilities and divine calling. This card gently offers you supportive and nurturing energies to keep going on your path even when it might get confusing, scary, or weird.

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3. Embody

This card invites all aspects of your Higher Self to shine through your being so you can become a translucent vessel of Divine embodiment. Remember who you are! Allow your transformation to finally happen and meet your most authentic state of being. You are ready to be reborn as a divine being on Earth and live your life in accordance with your Higher Self.

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Reiki blessings!

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