Oracle Card Reading July 10 – 16, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Past lives

Use HSZSN or simply intend to send Reiki healing energy to all your essences of manifestation from your origin source until the present moment. Be open to receiving messages, healing requests, and guidance from any of those essences who need or wish to send them.

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2. Compassion

All spiritual traditions, including Reiki, teach compassion. Compassion makes our lives meaningful! Recognize that sympathy is different from compassion. It disempowers others and places them in a victim role, creating that pattern for them. To be compassionate, simply witness someone’s suffering and actively assist through that process. Your mind and body will heal while your heart will open and expand to new heights.

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3. Mission

What’s my mission? What am I doing on Earth? Am I in the right place? This card is calling you to stop focusing on finding answers that most likely will change over time as you evolve and go deeper into layers of your being. Feel your energy while fulfilling your mission. How does it feel to fulfill your mission? And if what you feel doesn’t match your present inner and outer state, make adjustments.

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Reiki blessings!

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