Oracle Card Reading June 20 – 26, 2021

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Lightworker

The Divine trusts your inner light! Do you? This card asks you to honor the light within and follow your soul’s desires with such courage and determination that nobody could ever dim your light again. Not even yourself! Carry this inner flame with responsibility and spread love and light wherever you go. You have the capacity to illuminate and enlighten the world.

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2. Acceptance

The Path of Resistance is no longer suitable for your level of awareness. It is time to cultivate emotional acceptance and reduce your inner resistance and impulse towards control. Suffering, pain, loss, and injustice are inevitable, and you cannot reject those without also rejecting your own happiness, joy, peace, and truth.

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3. Support

If you want to support yourself and the planet in a meaningful way, start by being of service to others. This is what fully living in the light means. When you focus on others in a healthy way and support their life journey, the genuine service you offer them becomes a spiritual practice.

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Reiki blessings!

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