Oracle Card Reading September 18 – 24, 2022

Enjoy this week’s cards revealed:

1. Lightworker

The Divine trusts your inner light! Do you? This card asks you to honor the light within and follow your soul’s desires with such courage and determination that nobody could ever dim your light again. Not even yourself! Carry this inner flame with responsibility and spread love and light wherever you go. You have the capacity to illuminate and enlighten the world.

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2. Perspective

It’s all a matter of perspective. You have the power to build yourself up or tear yourself down. Imagine what it would be like to live your daily life from a higher perspective. How easy and flowing everything would be! This is possible but it requires your will, commitment, and sustained devotion. It requires you to let go of the limiting reality you have built over time about yourself, others, and life.

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3. Timing

There’s a much bigger picture than we can conceive with our rational minds. Everything needs to be in perfect balance and harmony. Each and every moment of your life is a blessing in disguise, so be open to receive your soul’s desires in unexpected and miraculous ways. Release your expectations about how things should happen and let the Universe work its magic.

See also  Angel Number 321: What Does It REALLY Mean?

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Reiki blessings!

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