The “shadow self” and embracing ALL of who you are — Follow Your Own Rhythm

No. It becomes part of your shadow.

The parts of us that we dislike about ourselves…

the parts that culture has told us isn’t appropriate or acceptable…

the parts our parents didn’t approve of…

the parts that other people picked on us for…

the parts we think aren’t lovable because of a past experience that scarred us…

are parts of us we have suppressed, and thus has become part of our “shadow.”

The shadow is not at all a “bad” thing, and it doesn’t just include the “darker” aspects of ourselves.

It includes “positive” traits too, it just depends on the life experiences we’ve had, the messages we’ve received, and how we processed all of it.

So in this video, I talk more about what the “shadow self” is and provide some examples, as well as discuss the importance of bringing your shadow to the light and embracing ALL of who you are in order to be your full, authentic self.

Hope you enjoy and please like and share the video, and subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more videos!

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.
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