Step Through the Lion’s Gate for Infinite Empowerment

Sirius – A Rising Star

The Lion’s Gate opens every year around July 26, activating a tremendous amount of star power energy. It reaches its peak on August 8 (8/8) and stays open until about August 12. From the sky perspective, this event is marked by the heliacal rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the sky. This means that during this time, Sirius will rise (be visible) above the eastern horizon just before sunrise (rising just before the Sun). This blog will show you what it means to Step through the Lion’s Gate for Infinite Empowerment!

Sirius is a star of legends, known for bestowing wealth, honor, devotion, passion, and powerful creative talent. In ancient Egypt, the rising of Sirius was directly associated with the rising of the Nile River, which would nourish the land and crops, sustaining life. Lion’s Gate is a portal for accelerated ascension and major shifts on all levels. You’re always creating your reality, but when the Gate is open, everything moves faster and with intensified energy. Bottom line is that using the Gateway will multiply your efforts and keep them burning until full fruition.

Infinity 8

The Lion’s Gate is at maximum power on the eighth day of the eighth month, activating the energetic power of 8/8. In numerology, 8 embodies balance and equalization in and across all realms. 8 brings shifts and changes that lead to harmony and alignment. When under the influence of 8, being willing to let go of things tipping the scales out of balance is key to success and peace. Far-reaching ideas, achievement, financial security, leadership, organization, and ambition are all expressions of the number 8 vibration.

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The infinity symbol is an 8 on its side, representing limitless power and infinite immortality. It’s a symbol that flows forever without end. It encompasses going in and out and continuous cycles within cycles. 8 holds the same shape as our DNA structure and stores codes that we can access, especially at times like Lion’s Gate opening.

Leo the Lion

Now imagine all the vitality and radiance of the Sun in this mix and you’re a little closer to understanding what this experience can offer. This is the Lion’s time – the month when the Sun is in the zodiacal sign of Leo. Leo, Child of the Sun, is the individualized expression of Divine Light. Leo rules the heart and is filled with pride, sense of purpose, generosity, and an enduring passion for creating and expressing life in all forms. Stepping through the Lion’s Gate is to awaken to the Divinity within you and fully embody your goddess-self!

Leo is a fixed fire sign that infuses everything with fortified and resilient life force. Leo rules the heart, teaching us to lead from the heart, motivate from the heart, and live from the heart. Its ruling planet is the Sun, the center of our solar system. Leo and the Sun are both archetypes of self-importance and self-centeredness, but in perfect proportion with the rest of creation.

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The Sun sustains life as we know it. It’s the god of light who faithfully rises every morning and it represents the spirit center in each of us. The Lion’s Gate beckons us to enter a new dimension of living where our brilliance and the brilliance of all other beings can arise, be seen, shared, and fully received. If we’re open and dare to cross the threshold, the Lion’s Gate will pull us into Divine alignment, from which our true power can be accessed and used in all the ways we were created to shine.

I’m a Leo and this is my personal time of power …

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