The Best Self-Care for Each Chakra | Astrology Answers

Though the knowledge of their power and importance has existed in the practices of Hinduism and Buddhism for thousands of years, the idea of chakra alignment and care is relatively new to many people. Often, we cannot pinpoint the cause of our anxiety, or low energy, or feeling of being stifled. If this sounds like something you have experienced, it may be a blocked connection to your energy centers.

When you are just beginning to work with your chakras, it is advised that you start at the Root chakra and then progress your way up; though many diagrams show them positioned from the head down, this is merely an aesthetic representation. Energy flows through all chakras, and it is impossible to realize spiritual wellness if you don’t even have the vitality of a healthy body or sense of purpose first!

Caring for your chakras at a time of upheaval or growth is not a simple process, so be sure to take the time to work on each individually and feel secure in your development, before moving on to the next center. If you feel that you are in an intermediate state of transitional energy though, feel free to pinpoint the chakra you feel needs attention and work from there.

Muladhara: Root Chakra

The Root chakra resides at the base of your spine and is the seat of your vitality. In the plainest terms, it is your health and energy, which means if it is out of alignment, you are no doubt feeling tired and uneasy in your body. When ignored, this will slowly begin to manifest as low self-esteem and chronic health issues.

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Self-care for the Root chakra: Adequate rest, hydration and low impact exercise are the first steps to caring for your Root chakra. Focus on nourishing your body with not only healthy foods, but ones that give you joy to eat them; savor every bite, since this should not only be caloric energy to fuel your body, but emotional energy to fuel your personal growth. Essential oils like cinnamon or nutmeg are good stimulants for this chakra, as they evoke a sense of comfort. Once you have started to heal this energy center, you should begin to feel well-rested and confident, with more overall energy.

Root Chakra Daily Affirmation: “I believe that good health is my natural state, and I accept this blessing”

Svadhishthana: Sacral Chakra

Your Sacral chakra which influences creation and pleasure. Though many assume this chakra relates solely to carnality, it holds more domain over your enjoyment of life. If this chakra is blocked, you may feel uninspired & as though you have no creative spark. Left for too long, these feelings can devolve into despair, and an inability to problem-solve.

Self-care for the Sacral chakra: Engage in small activities that you derive pleasure from- something as simple as a bath or a massage will immediately begin to heal this chakra. Be present in the experience, and let your mind wander as you do; banish any negativity or stress, and only allow yourself to focus on the creative or inspirational ideas that come to you during this time. You’ll begin to equate self-care with healing and seek it out more often to motivate yourself once this chakra is in alignment. Utilize essential oils like sandalwood or lemongrass to bolster your sense of relaxation.

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Sacral Chakra Daily Affirmation: “I am capable and strong. I embrace my potential.”

Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra

Believed to influence your journey of self-discovery, your Solar Plexus houses this chakra. It also influences your drive, and how you motivate yourself. When this chakra has been neglected, you might feel frustrated or helpless. Over time, this can begin to manifest as anger or a sense of being lost.

Self-care for the Solar Plexus chakra: Challenge yourself. By pushing yourself beyond the boundaries of fear that are stifling you, you will start to awaken this dormant energy. Whether it is doing something that scares you, like singing at karaoke or setting a goal you previously thought yourself incapable of achieving, you will begin to remove the energy blockage in this chakra. Scents like lemon or ginger will embolden you to take more chances, and awaken your passion for growth. Developing this chakra will create a sense of accomplishment and leave you energized to continue pushing your boundaries.

Solar Plexus Chakra Daily Affirmation: “I am a being of light. I value myself. I trust myself. I embrace myself.”

Anahata: Heart Chakra

A very powerful chakra positioned at the Heart, it correlates to your balance and sense of connection to influences outside of you – usually other people. If this energy is blocked, you’ll fail to feel a sense of trust or empathy. If not healed, these will intensify into jealousy, selfishness or hatred.

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Self-care for the Heart chakra: Begin a practice of appreciation. Whether this means keeping a daily gratitude journal, actively speaking only out of kindness, or even engaging in charity work, create a sense of positive reinforcement by acknowledging the good in the world…

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