5 Amazing Telepathic Empath Signs & Traits

When most people think about empaths, they don’t realize that there are actually several different types of empaths out there.

For instance, there is the animal empath, who is able to understand how animals think and feel.

Then, there is the intuitive empath, someone who has an uncanny knack to be able to understanding what others are thinking and feeling.

Another is the emotional empath, which is the most common type of empath.

The most confusing type of empath for many is the telepathic empath, who goes beyond being able to understand the feelings of others.

This is a person who seems to know things that there is no possible way they should know.

The telepathic empath seems to automatically know what others are thinking, without having to even speak to them.

Do you think that you may be a telepathic empath?

Today we are going to take a look at the main signs and traits of the telepathic empath.

Hopefully, this article will help you to learn more about yourself as a telepathic empath, and how to deal with it.

Let’s get started.

What is a Telepathic Empath?

Telepathic Empath

Do people often tell you that they feel an almost instant bond with you and that you just seem to understand them so well?

If so, chances are that you may be a telepathic empath.

Before we can discuss telepathic empaths, it is important to talk about what an empath actually is and what they are capable of.

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What is an Empath?

Generally, the empath is someone who has a very high level of intuition and is able to sense and feel the energies of those around them.

The empath is often unable to separate their own emotions from those of others, and this can be quite challenging at the best of times.

We all know that empathy is an important emotion, and that most of us have empathy to a degree.

But the true empath has so much empathy for others that they can truly be a godsend at times.

Unfortunately for the empath, their gifts can also be seen as curses.

This is because they can easily become overwhelmed, especially when they are stuck in group settings.

They take on the energies of everyone in the room, and then they end up with so many emotions running through them that they are not able to deal with everything all at once.

At the same time, there is no better person to turn to for advice than an empath.

They know how others are feeling, and they can get right to the root of the problem and help come up with solutions.

Understanding the Telepathic Empath

abstract image of telepathic empaths

Now, there are empaths, and there are empaths.

The telepathic empath is someone who not only understands and feels the emotions of others but also seems to always know what others are thinking.

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You don’t have to tell a telepathic empath what is on your mind, because chances are, they are already going to know.

They will often even be ready with a solution to your problems long before you are ready to ask them for help.

This is a person who knows what is going on in someone’s mind without ever even speaking to them.

They are highly in-tune with others and are able to read things like facial expressions and body language with ease.

In addition to being able to read people by how they act, they are also able to pick up on their energies.

They know when there is positive or negative energy around them, and they usually know how to help others, even if they do not understand how they can also help themselves.

If the regular empath is overwhelmed while in crowds, just think of how bad a large gathering can be for the telepathic empath.

It will deplete their energies in minutes, and they feel exhausted without even having to exert any physical strength.

Negativity is something that is strongly sensed by the telepathic empath, which is one of the main reasons why they really don’t like being with large groups of people.

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The more negative energy in a room, the more overwhelmed they are going to feel.

They can become completely overwhelmed in just a few minutes if there is too much negative energy around them.

Even if the energy is positive, it can still be overwhelming to the telepathic empath.

This is because they are picking up on all of the feelings and emotions of each and every person in the room.

That would be a lot for anyone to have to deal with.

How Does a Telepathic Empath Know What Others are Thinking?

When we think of telepathy, we think of the ability to read the minds of other people.

We also tend to think of things we have seen in horror movies.

While the jury is still out on the actual existence of mental telepathy, there are people who have telepathic qualities.

This includes the telepathic empath.

In many cases, it is not thoughts that they are picking up on, but also the feelings of those who are nearby.

Unfortunately, all of these feelings can end up…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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