The Best Crown Chakra Crystals [and How to Use Them!]

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The crown chakra is responsible for wisdom, spiritual connection, clarity, and insight into the Universe around us.

When it becomes blocked or unbalanced, we can feel frustrated, disconnected, and unable to think clearly.

Using crown chakra crystals are a great way to keep your crown chakra balanced and clear. Here’s everything you need to know about how to use them!

How Crown Chakra Crystals (7th Chakra Stones) Work

Crown chakra crystals/7th chakra stones can help balance and unblock your crown chakra.

They are able to do this because they have their own inherent vibrations and frequencies, which can help align your crown chakra to the frequency of the crystal.

They can also remove whatever frequencies are blocking the chakra so energy can move more freely.

crown chakra crystals - amethyst, celestite, and a purple orchid

Crown chakra crystals fall into three categories:

  • Purple/violet crystals
  • White or clear crystals
  • Crystals with properties that match the crown chakra

You can work with any of these crystals to balance and unblock your crown chakra. Choose whichever one speaks to you the most!

This is a list of the most common crown chakra crystals and their meanings.

If you have a crystal that is white, violet, or matches the vibration of the crown chakra and it isn’t on the list, chances are good that it’s still a crown chakra crystal! Use your intuition!

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Crown Chakra Crystals (& Their Meanings)

Amethyst – spiritual awareness, stress reliever, inner peace and healing, connects to the higher planes of existence

Clear Quartz – master healer, clarity, amplifier, can be programmed with any intention

Moonstone – intuition, hope, protection, works with the energy of the moon and Divine feminine

Selenite – purifies and cleanses energy (and other crystals), connects with Universal consciousness, helps with stress and forgiveness

Howlite – enjoying life, releasing unhealthy attachments, enhances memory and patience

Lapis Lazuli – stone of inspiration, helps you access your inner truth and wisdom, can facilitate clairvoyance, aids all spiritual practices

White Calcite – stone of spiritual awakening, raises consciousness, helps you connect to your higher self, cleanses the aura and all chakras

White Agate – turns the impossible into the possible, helps with overcoming negative emotions, clears emotional trauma

Lepidolite – brings emotional balance, relieves stress and anxiety, connects to the angelic realm, boost coincidence and synchronicity

Purple Fluorite – aids decision making, creates mental clarity, clears confusion and anxiety about the future

Charoite – aligns to the highest spiritual energy, puts things into perspective, helps with discernment and clarity in decisions, stimulates insight

Labradorite – stone of transformation, calms an overactive mind, helps strengthen faith in yourself, relieves stress and anxiety

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Apophyllite – stone of awakening and uplifting energy, releases repressed emotions, connects the physical and the spiritual

Scolecite – stone of peace and inner transformation, connects to other realms, brings serenity and inner peace

Rutile Quartz – amplifies intention, helps with manifestation, brings insight and inspiration, links the root chakra to the crown chakra

Celestite – helps contact the angelic realm and guardian angels, enhances psychic ability, relieves stress, frustration, and depression

Danburite – stone of enlightenment, creates a deep connection to the Divine, helps with patience and understanding, links the crown chakra to the heart chakra

Grape Agate – awakens psychic abilities, increases courage and self-confidence, stabilizes energy, helps you receive answers from Divine sources and universal energy

Opalite – stabilizes the mood and emotions, helps reveal inner feelings, helps soothe negative energy and frayed nerves

Herkimer Diamond – boosts clairvoyance, clairaudience, and telepathy, creates clarity and clears confusion, purifies and amplifies energy, draws in light energy

White Jade – stone of peace, harmony, and good fortune, helps you see the bigger picture, increases focus and connection

Spirit Quartz – connects to the spirit realm and your spirit guides, aids astral travel, brings spiritual evolution and spiritual growth, uplifts the soul

clear quartz crystal

What’s the Most Powerful Crown Chakra Crystal?

Clear Quartz!

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While the most powerful crown chakra crystal really depends on your personal vibration and what crystal you connect to the most, if you had to choose just ONE crown chakra crystal to use, choose clear quartz.

Clear quartz is the Master Healer.

It helps with clarity and focus.

It can be programmed to hold any intention.

And it is an absolute star at helping with manifestation work.

If you want to start with just one crystal, clear quartz is the one to choose, especially for clearing and balancing the crown…

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