The Power of Forgiveness — Follow Your Own Rhythm

In this blog post, I get into HOW you can forgive others by offering a step-by-step process, but for now, I will leave you with this truth that will help you forgive more easily…

Anytime someone hurts you, betrays you, cheats on you, steals from you, judges you, makes fun of you, rejects you, or causes you pain in some way, it has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU and everything to do with them. 

People do things from their own level of consciousness…consciousness being the level of awareness a person has about their true essence and the Higher truth.  It’s basically the extent to which someone is “awake” spiritually.  When people’s levels of consciousness have not reached a higher, spiritual state yet, they operate out of unconscious programming.  And it is this programming that forces them to do things that inevitably end up hurting others.  

However, everyone’s consciousness evolves at its own pace. Everyone has a specific journey that they have to live; a path they have to take, and all of the experiences they have and the mistakes they make, is all there to help them evolve, and awaken, and expand their consciousness, and break away from programmed patterns.

Therefore, whatever someone has done to you is not personal to you, and it has nothing to do with your level of worthiness, but is a direct reflection of where they are on their soul’s evolution.  You have to know that when they hurt you, they are operating from their own perspective, based on their own level of consciousness, and reflecting onto you their own fears, inner pains, unprocessed emotions, and unresolved issues. When people hurt others, they do it because they themselves are hurting inside. 

Also, sometimes we are simply just too sensitive to the actions of others and take everything personally due to our own unconsciousness and we ALLOW for them to impact us, even if they did nothing wrong. This is something we also have to be careful of.

Understanding WHY people do what they do and becoming aware of your own tendencies will make it that much easier to forgive, let go, and move on.

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I hope that this blog post was insightful and that you feel empowered to forgive those who have hurt you so that you can liberate yourself and live more freely!

For step-by-step guidance on HOW to forgive others, check out this post: How to Forgive Others. I’ll also show you how to tell if you still hold a grudge!

If you’re ready to forgive YOURSELF for the mistakes you have made and the pain you’ve caused others, read this post: How to Forgive Yourself- A Step-by-Step Guide where I also share a free self-forgiveness guided meditation.

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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