Best Manifestation Methods [17 That ACTUALLY Work!]

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Whether you’re a pro at manifestation or just learning about all of the different law of attraction techniques, it can be really fun to try different methods.

After all, there are so many!

Trying a bunch of different ones can help you figure out not only which one you like the most but also which one works best for you!

Manifestation is a deeply personal process because everyone has a different vibration.

Also, your vibration on any given subject can be different, so you might easily manifest money but be stuck when manifesting a new partner (or vice-versa.)

Or you might easily manifest a new job but get stuck when manifesting a new car.

This is why it’s so helpful to have a bunch of different manifestation techniques you can use in different scenarios.

Try one or try them all, this post is all about the best manifestation methods!

best manifestation methods (crystals, candles, and oracle cards on a table)

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The Best Manifestation Methods You Have to Try!

Vision Board

A vision board or dream board is one of the best law of attraction techniques.

It’s a way to consolidate your vision for your life all in one place, giving it immense power!

You can use pictures, positive affirmations, intention statements, and anything else that represents your wildest dreams.

There are a lot of different ways to make a vision board – your only limit is your imagination! See these posts for more info: How to create a vision board and how to make a feng shui vision board!

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Repeat Positive Affirmations

Repeating positive affirmations to yourself is a way to change your mindset so that you can attract what you want.

One of the key steps in manifestation is to actually believe that you can have what you want.

Using positive affirmations is an easy way to help you believe what you want is possible.

The key to using manifestation affirmations is that they need to be in the present tense (as if they are currently happening.)

It’s a lot more than just repeating positive thoughts to yourself – you should also feel the feelings of having what you want while you repeat the positive things to yourself.

You can set timers throughout the day to repeat affirmations to yourself, write them on sticky notes and place them on your mirror so you repeat them while you’re getting dressed in the morning or come up with your own routine that works for you!

woman meditating while holding a crystal

Focus Wheels

Focus wheels are a manifestation process taught by Abraham Hicks in their book Ask and It Is Given.

They involve writing a list of positive aspects about what you want so that you can become a vibrational match to your desire.

You write what you want in the center of the wheel, and write a list of positive statements about what you want around it.

See also  Scripting Manifestation Method (+ Prompts and Examples!)

You can also do this in a list format, it doesn’t have to be a “wheel!”

But the point is to write better and better feeling thoughts so that you become a match to what you want. It is a way to harness the power of the 17 second manifestation technique, but on paper!

Manifestation Box

A manifestation box is a box that holds everything that you want to manifest.

It’s like a combination between a vision board and a manifestation list.

It’s one of the best ways to keep track of what you want to manifest without spending a lot of time and energy to put it together!

All you need to do is find a box that you like.

You can decorate it if you want, or find a decorative box, or even use a jewelry box!

Whenever you think of something you want to manifest, write it on a slip of paper and put it in the box.

You can also cut out pictures that represent what you want and put them in the box.

A manifestation box is one of the most powerful manifestation techniques because it’s “set it and forget it.”

You can put things in there and never look at them again and they’ll manifest!

Check your box every few months and take out the things you’ve manifested and you’ll be surprised at how many there are!

woman lighting palo santo stick with a candle

Two Cup Method

The two-cup manifestation method is a way to quantum leap towards your goals!

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You are shifting dimensions from your current reality to the reality where you have what you want.

The two cup method is easy: you need two clear cups.

On one cup, write your current reality.

On the second cup, write the desired outcome.

For example, if you hate your current job, you’d write: I don’t like my job.

On the second cup, you’d write: I have a job I love that pays me _ (your desired amount.)

Put water in the first cup.

Hold the cup and feel the feelings of your current reality.

Think about everything you don’t like about it.

Do this for a couple of moments.

Then put that cup down and pick up the empty cup.

Feel the feelings of having what you really want.

Do this…

Click here to read this complete article.

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