5D Ascension: The 10 Symptoms You’re Going Through The Shift

We are ascending to a new level of consciousness as individuals and as a collective, this integration and embodiment of higher consciousness are known as 5D ascension. 

Within this article, we will explore the details of 5D ascension and the 5D ascension symptoms that we may be experiencing on a personal level and on a collective level as the earth’s dominant vibration shifts to 5D.

What Is 5D Ascension? 

5D Ascension

5D is the spiritual dimension of oneness, love, and a higher conscious understanding of life.

It is very much about feeling and experiencing the spiritual-energetic nature of life in conscious connection to the physical manifestations that we create. 

5D ascension is an upgraded spiritual human experience that is lived from an open heart chakra.

5D allows us to encompass greater ease, integrity, truth, connection, cooperation, freedom, and unconditional love.

5D ascension is the journey of rising to experience and embody this 5th dimensional higher consciousness. 

5D ascension is happening on an individual or personal level for many people who are ready or choosing to ascend to this more beneficial timeline.

5D ascension is also integrating on a collective level as more people become aware of and embody 5D consciousness; this is surely shifting the vibration of the collective.

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The frequency of 5D is becoming more understood, accepted, and experienced on earth as a beneficial planetary consciousness.

The dominant vibration of the collective energy on earth has been 3 Dimensional awareness ( which is the focus on the matter, material, and density of being human), this has been the dominant reality for a really long time.

We are now naturally shifting to 5D to integrate higher consciousness that can bring more balance, nuance, understanding, and deeper connection within the physical, spiritual and mental aspects of human experience.

If you want to learn more about the shift from 3D to 5D you should check out this article entitled: 3D to 5D: what it means to shift to this higher consciousness.

The present times that we are living in call for the potent and rapid evolution of consciousness so that humanity can live on earth more harmoniously.

The events occurring on earth at this time are the catalysts for personal and collective 5D ascension.

In the next section of the article as we learn about the 5d ascension symptoms, it will become more clear how necessary and relevant it is to integrate and embody this higher vibration.

5D Ascension Symptoms (Personal)

Personal symptoms of 5D ascension

The following symptoms are those that you may experience on an individual or personal level as you ascend to 5D:

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1. Your manifestations speed up

5D is the conscious state where you are fully aware of the energetic nature of the universe and your connection with source energy.

You are aware that you have access to this infinite supply of potential that you can direct with your open heart, tuned emotions, and intentional thoughts and actions. 

When you are fully aware and connected to the ability to consciously and rapidly manifest this is a symptom of personal 5D ascension.

Your upgraded sensitivity and awareness in 5D allows you to manifest with greater clarity and ease (and therefore experience your manifestations more rapidly)

2. You are more sensitive to energy and emotions

Another common symptom of 5D ascension is an increased sensitivity to the ordinarily overlooked realms; you will be a lot more perceptive to the energetic and emotional experience of both yourself and other beings. 

As you embody the vibration of 5D this symptom can also show up as activation or clarifying of clairvoyant abilities; you may find that you are able to practice mystic art such as telepathy, channeling, seeing auras and non-physical beings as well as super accurate tuned-in intuition and instincts.

3. You feel deeply connected to all beings

5D ascension symtoms

5D consciousness allows you to experience oneness, to live with the innate knowing, feeling, and embodiment that we are inextricably interconnected and each an expression of the source; divine and pure beyond all human illusions and dualities. 

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This 5D ascension symptom of deep interconnection extends beyond just our bonds as humans but our bonds with all living beings on our living planet.

5D is living from an open and balanced heart chakra, allowing us to really open to deep and authentic connections and relations from the space of unconditional love.

To be able to regard all others as part of yourself is a symptom of 5D ascension.

4. You take better care of your mind, body and spirit

Even though 5D is ascending from the focus on the physical and material aspects of life. One of the key 5D ascension symptoms is that you will take much better care of your physical body.

Higher awareness and activated intuition will guide the…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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