Make a Reiki Intention Jar

I have been experimenting with using herbs in my Reiki practice. I have been using herbs based on their metaphysical properties and their ability to work on the etheric body of my clients. I am also using the herbs to help clients set and hold intentions. I started by looking into spell jars and falling in love with the way they look and work., I then decided to tailor them to my specific needs with my Reiki clientele.

A spell jar is a small jar filled with herbs, crystals, and intentions for magical manifestation. They are often then sealed with candle wax. Spell jars have a wide variety of uses, but I focused my research on ones for protection, health, prosperity, and well-being.

Depending on the clients’ concerns, I will then look at the metaphysical qualities of herbs that are associated with that need.

Make a Reiki Intention Jar

For example, let’s take a look at the general concept of protection.

  • I take eggshells from our meals, clean them, bake them and then use a mortar and pestle to crush them into a fine powder. Eggshells are known for luck, peace, and protection. This would be the first layer of my Reiki Intention Jar.
  • There is then a wide variety of herbs that I could layer upon the eggshells. Considering access and cost, I start with herbs that I have on hand. I might add; mugwort, nettle, rosemary, and/or cloves. Picking of the herbs is where you might want to spend time researching their different metaphysical properties to make a Reiki Intention Jar that is specific and unique to your clients’ needs. Or, you can intuitively select which herbs you feel are the right mix for your client.
  • Since this is a Reiki product, each component that goes into the jar should be infused with the healing intention and Reiki energy. You can even layer, in between the herbs, little pieces of paper with the Reiki symbols drawn on them.
  • Once I have the jar filled with a mixture of eggshells, herbs, dried flowers, and salt, I then seal it with candle wax. It’s an important step to not miss, especially for the practical need of not wanting the jar to open up and spill.
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Ideally, your client will have offered input into the crafting of their intention, or requested you help them write their intention, based on their needs.

Once the Reiki Intention Jar is completed, write down each ingredient and the reason it was added to the jar. Let them know that the jar is for their intention. It can be used as a way to focus on their intention, to remind them of their intention, or to hold onto and feel the Reiki. The Reiki Intention Jar then becomes a tangible way in which your client can see the healing energy and continue to manifest their intention. It can become a beautiful way to gift Reiki, especially when you present it in a small gift bag.

Article by Carrie Anderson

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