Understanding and Embracing Your Psychic Gifts

We all come here with gifts. For some, those gifts are expressed through writing, music, cooking, caretaking, healing, leadership, organizing, and more. Some of us have gifts in multiple areas while some of us have a few that we have discovered and identified with so far. We even notice as we grow that we share similar gifts as others. Yet, it’s our individuality and what each of us uniquely brings to our gifts that distinguish them from the next person’s offerings. And just as there are gifts that manifest outwardly, there are gifts that are just as powerful that might not be seen in a tangible way.

These gifts are just as necessary and in most cases, even more important than the gifts we’ve come to embrace and accept because they allow us to see, feel, and hear something deeper, something more. These gifts connect us to beyond what the basic senses can grasp and form in the material realm. These gifts are our psychic gifts. Through this blog, I’ll provide some clarity and guidance to help you in understanding and embracing your psychic gifts.

What are psychic gifts?

So what exactly are psychic gifts? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all description for psychic gifts but if I had to define it, I’d say that psychic gifts are intuitive in nature. As shared earlier, they go beyond the physical realm senses, connecting us to wisdom, insights, hunches, premonitions, visions, and frequencies that our basic senses may not completely pick up on their own. When we say the “sixth sense,” we are referencing the realm of these psychic gifts. Psychic gifts are often hard to explain but when you’ve received its guidance and message you just know.

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What are the different types of psychic gifts?

So what are the ways that psychic gifts express? Many are familiar with the clair abilities – clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairgustance, claircognizance, and clairalience, which are activated and opened by the Third Eye Chakra, our seat of the intuition, inner knowing, wisdom, and divine seeing. You can learn more about this chakra in my book, The Ultimate Guide to Chakras. I’ll provide a brief explanation of each clair sense or ability here:

Clairsentience is the gift of clear feeling. It allows you to feel the emotions and energy of another person without having any previous connection, interaction, or understanding of that person. For example, you meet someone who’s a stranger to you and just get a gut feeling about them, maybe even something specific.

Clairaudience is the gift of clear hearing. It allows you to hear what others are thinking. Through this gift, you also have the ability to hear music and nature on a higher level and in some cases, can even attune to the language of animals, crystals, or plants.

Clairvoyance is the gift of clear seeing. It allows you to see objects, colors, shapes, and life forms that are not seen physically by the human eye. This seeing can be subtle or dramatic, and some people describe it like watching a movie in their mind’s eye.

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Clairgustance is the gift of clear tasting. It allows you to tap into higher information and wisdom through the sense of taste by discerning flavors that others may not be aware of or pick up on. This tasting can also be a sign from those who’ve crossed over – producing a taste you can recognize them by.

Claircognizance is the gift of clear knowing. It allows you to tap and tune into higher-frequency information via instinct or deep knowing that you can’t shake. Some describe this as mental flashes of recognition or certainty. These knowings or realizations often …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SageGoddess.com. All the rights of content are owned by SageGoddess.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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