Signs of Spiritual Awakening: Waking Up at 3am

Sleeping peacefully is a blessing that many people enjoy every night. But there are some who are unable to sleep at that particular time at night.

When the moon goes up, there comes a time when they only see the clock ticking. Even though they are profoundly tired and want to go to sleep, they can’t! They also have a tough day ahead, but this thing is out of their hands.

Every hour of night carries a special meaning and waking up at that time means you need to decipher the significance behind this symbol. If you are waking up from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. every night, it could mean that you might be going through the process of spiritual awakening.

Chinese Medicine Clock

Traditional Chinese Medicine used energy meridians of the body to cure. According to them, different parts of the body are awake at different hours of the day depending on their energy; it is the body’s special clock system.

Waking up from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. every night means that energy parallel to that special body part (lungs) is weak or completely blocked. It is also associated with the emotion of sadness.

chinese body clock

Waking up at 3 am Spirituality Meaning

There’s a deep meaning of waking up from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. every night. It’s the sign that means that it’s the time that you should move toward the higher purpose of your life. It is the alert message from the higher vibrations that you should try to uplift your vibrations now.

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It is said that the timing from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. is highly sensitive.

Wake Up Call

Your waking time will be the alarm that won’t go off until you are actually awake to turn the alarm off. It could be very hectic to go to work with sleepy eyes and a heavy body. You need to answer this wake-up call. But how you can do it? Here are few things you can do:

  • Take at least three deep breaths by lying on your back
  • Let the energy flow into you; if you run away from it, things will not change
  • Close your eyes and try to see through your mind’s eye
  • What did you see at first? It could be a symbol, a letter, a number, a word
  • Remember what you have seen the first time when you feel the energy flowing in you
  • Concentrate on the message and say that you will work on it in the morning
  • Go back to sleep; if you quickly can then it means you have gotten the message right
  • When you can’t sleep, repeat the process again
  • In the morning, try to decipher the meaning of the symbol you have seen
  • Try to work on the message

When you are on the right path, you won’t be having a problem sleeping the next night.

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If you have a sound sleep from now, that means that you have achieved your current goal. There would be more to come, and again you have to bear some sleepless hours in the night unless you remember what we have taught you here.

Why do I wake up at 3 am – Other Spiritual Meanings

It is also known that waking up at 3 in the morning relates to your emotional well-being. One of the significant factors is depression or sadness. The time between 3 and 5 is connected to the energy meridian, sadness.

You want to take better care of yourself before going to bed; emotional well-being is vital to getting a good night’s sleep. A warm bath can heal your mood, or you can listen to your favorite music, which helps a lot.

Energies we feel, show us more, they are clues to our emotional well-being. These energies, whether you connect them with spiritual awakening or not, they are indicators of essential elements about ourselves. Spirits and higher self warn us when something is amiss.

We must look after the vehicle our soul sits in, improving our physical and emotional health gives us much-needed relief at night for a restful sleep.

Why do I wake up at 3 am for no reason – Message from The Universe

Now, you might be healthy and still have no clue why it happens; energy signs suggest that the Universe is trying to get your attention with a message that relates to your higher purpose.

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It’s time to refresh your memory; your soul knows you would benefit from the law of attraction. You could be at risk of missing new opportunities to manifest your intentions.

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Waking up Between 3 and 5 Spiritual Awakening Perspective

The time between 2 and 4 am is also known as the witching hour; that’s when the veil is thin between the two dimensions. Since the veil is thin, spiritual encounters are possible.

During the witching hour, spirits want to connect with you, so there is an opportunity for guidance to expand your consciousness and further your spiritual progress, as the veil is thin, it’s the perfect time to receive advice.

Which guidance you receive is unique to you, but there are some common ones, one is to unlock or further your clairvoyant perception or to understand the two dimensions.

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