Which Chakra is Blocked?: An Index of Symptoms & How They Relate to Ou

INSIDE: How do you know which chakra is blocked? With this handy A-Z guide! Just look up your symptom to discover which energy centers need some extra love. Enjoy! 


When our chakras are in alignment and open, we feel grounded and secure, and we feel our best physically and emotionally.

A blocked chakra, however, can derail our health, giving way to unwanted physical symptoms and emotional imbalance. 

We can use those symptoms and ailments to help us determine which chakra is out of balance so that we can realign it.

But how do you know which chakra is blocked?

Which Chakra is Blocked? Here’s an A-Z Index of Symptoms…

Below, you’ll find an index of A-Z symptoms that will help you determine which chakra is blocked, as well as useful links to learn more about healing crystals that can help you with chakra alignment.

Working with healing crystals regulates emotions, unblocks chakras, and provides peace, helping our bodies rest and realign.


Anger in the wrong circumstances can be harmful. However, anger often shows us where we can improve. It usually reveals a blockage between the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra.

Some anger comes from unmet desires. When we learn to focus more on others, acting in a humanist manner, we open the heart chakra and allow the energy to flow into the other chakras.

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You can use solar plexus chakra stones and heart chakra stones to help resolve anger issues.

Chakra Healing Gemstones


These days, the great majority of our anxiety tends to revolve around money or our methods for making money. We fear not having enough time or money. We worry about bills, our schedules, and jobs.

This kind of anxiety relates to the first chakra and our basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. We feel insecure or unsafe.

Additionally, Anxiety.org states that the solar plexus is out of balance when we suffer from eating disorders, anxiety, and a loss of control. It recommends that we start balancing one chakra and slowly move to the others. 

Anxiety also relates to the third eye and throat chakra. When these two chakras are unbalanced, we lose our sense of perspective and our ability to clearly communicate our fears and feelings. 

You can use root chakra stones, solar plexus chakra stones, throat chakra stones and the third eye chakra stones to reduce anxiety depending on the type of anxiety you are struggling with.

Arm Pain

Arm pain is generally connected to the heart chakra. Heart pain travels from the chest to the arm, often the left arm, but sometimes both arms.

Arm pain often originates from an imbalance of emotions. We may be over-loving, suffocating loves ones, which can lead to jealousy and bitterness if not addressed. This pain points to a blockage in the heart and a need to be more open to love and abundance.

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You can work to heal arm pain by using heart chakra stones.


Arthritis is one of the most common ailments. The Arthritis Foundation found that people who experience emotions that are more negative are more likely to suffer from pain related to osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and fibromyalgia.

Depending on the location of pain or inflammation, arthritis can tell us which chakra is blocked. Most arthritis links to the root or solar plexus chakra. However, if the neck, back, legs or arms are painful, it is best to look up these areas individually using this index. 

Learn more about which chakra is blocked by digging into our articles on the root chakra and solar plexus chakra.


Asthma, chest pain, and breathing problems connect to multiple chakra.s There is also an emotional component to asthma. Studies found strong emotions make asthma worst. Almost half of asthma sufferers say stress can be a trigger.

Most breathing difficulties connect to the throat chakra and air passageways, which links with communication and our inability to express our thoughts or feelings.

However, some asthma symptoms also link with the solar plexus chakra and a need to protect our energy from negative influences.

Finally, if the asthma is stress- or emotion-related, it points to a potential blockage in the heart chakra. 

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Learn more healing the throat chakra, solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra.

Back Pain

Like arthritis, back pain is one of the most common ailments. Back pain may originate from a weakened chakra from an accident or illness.

When stressed, our breathing patterns alter, causing strain and tension in the mid-back. Our shoulders may tighten up, causing pain in the upper and middle back. Low-back pain manifests in the lower half of the back muscles, affecting flexibility and posture.

Determining which chakra is blocked depends on the location of the back pain.

  • Pain in the tailbone links to the root chakra and our physical sense of security and place in the world.
  • Lower back and hip pain connects to the sacral chakra, revealing a need to improve our relationships with others and ourselves.
  • Upper back and shoulder pain links to…

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