Howlite Healing Properties for Clarity, Peace & Divine Connection

INSIDE: Howlite healing properties target our anxious, scattered, fearful thoughts to invite clarity, calm, and compassion into our lives. These stones have powerful energy that can heal our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies and bring balance to move us forward with intention.


If given the task of spending a few minutes writing down anything that comes to mind, we are likely to get a lengthy list started.

Whether our thoughts are disconnected or chains of transitioning narratives, they can quickly fill up our brain space. After all, the average person thinks over 6,000 thoughts in a single day.

When those thoughts are creative, productive, and positive, they propel us forward, helping us find a balance of energy and calm to accomplish our task.

However, we tend to also have worries, emotions, and conflicts that overwhelm our brain and cause negative ruminations. If we let these thoughts take over, they have a tendency to crowd out positivity and clear thinking. Then, we struggle with focus, inertia, and more.

Negativity has detrimental affects on our well-being. It can harm our mental, physical, and emotional health.

Stress, for example, can slow your metabolism, cause ulcers, aggravate skin conditions like acne, and do much worse to the physical body. Mentally, we can develop negative emotions that make us aloof and angry.

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It’s vital to reconnect with our spiritual wellbeing to balance and improve our thoughts. This step can in turn invite powerful transformations into the body and life in general.

Howlite healing properties are particularly attuned to promote mental clarity, spiritual transformation, and physical balance.

Howlite Tumbled Stones

Howlite Properties & Symbolism

Howlite is a stone that has healing properties that cultivate mental clarity, spiritual awareness, physical health, and focused action. 

This crystal appears as a soft, opaque white stone and contains hydrous calcium borate as an elemental property. Running through Howlite’s bright white color are strands of grey, black, and brown.

Howlite’s markings make it look almost like bleached Turquoise, which is why it is also known as White Turquoise.

There are many other names you may hear Howlite referred to, such as White Buffalo, Sacred Buffalo, Lapis Howlite, Silico Boro Calcite, and Kaolinite.

The Wolf’s Howl

A great way to consider Howlite healing properties is to think about the sensations you might experience when you hear a howl from a wolf, dog, or other animal. (No, that isn’t how this crystal gets its name, but it is a handy idea!)

There is something majestic and soothing about an animal howl. It isn’t a threatening call – the call is meant to communicate so that the wolf can gather its pack. Similarly, Howlite has that ability to call forth the energies that you need to heal in a soothing but strong way.

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Wolves’ howls might also bring a moment of fear as we know these beautiful creatures have power and ferocity. But let the beauty of the call outweigh your fears.

That’s what Howlite can do. It won’t make your problems disappear, but it will help give you stillness and calm to find awareness and open your mind to the possibilities of change.

The healing properties of Howlite have mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual targets. Let’s explore a few ways that Howlite might be just the crystal to help you heal.

Mental & Emotional Healing Properties

Howlite stones can have a powerful resonance with our thoughts. These Howlite healing properties bring balance to our emotions and relieve stress.

Settles Anxious & Confused Thoughts

Why is it that we continue to let our worries, or that one bad conversation you had at work, continue to percolate in our minds late into the night? Even amidst happy thoughts, the negative creeps in to take the limelight.

White sacred gemstones like Howlite have a special ability to soothe the mind. The soft color is a cleanser to anxiety and confusion.

Howlite healing properties help settle our thoughts and reduce anxiety. By bringing us calm, this stone can put us in a mental state to be able to sort through our thoughts actively but with awareness and steady pace.

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Invites Focus & Clarity 

Once you reduce the negative thoughts, stress, and anxiety from your mind, what is left is the mental clarity to focus on what you need to move forward.

The strands that run through Howlite symbolize thoughts and actions that you’ll still think about – you don’t want to turn off your brain.

Howlite illuminates the possibilities for greater joy and peace so that you can take steps to eliminate the frustration and stress in your life.

This crystal keeps us on track so that we don’t get carried away with ideas and actions that might seem exciting and fun but that have the potential to harm our calm resolve.

Howlite also offers clear vision of the attachments that hurt us so that we can focus on releasing them. It’s a powerful stone to keep with you during etheric cord cutting meditations.

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