If you have decided to read this article, you have probably recently heard about Destiny Tuning, perhaps as part of the Manifestation Miracle program, and you want to know more about it.
Maybe you watched the whole Manifestation Miracle video but have some further questions, or perhaps you haven’t seen all of it yet. Alternatively, you don’t know what I’m talking about and have come across this article because it’s the right time for you to learn about Destiny Tuning.
So let’s get into it!
What exactly is Destiny Tuning?
One of the Law of Attraction techniques, Destiny Tuning is used to help you overcome any resistance you are facing when you try to manifest the future of your dreams. This means that you are able to ensure your vibrational frequency aligns to your goals as this makes you more magnetic to attracting them toward you faster.
Destiny Tuning overcomes resistance by releasing the grip of previously restrictive beliefs that have held you back. This eradicates and blocks that have been preventing your manifestation attempts.
Why are restrictive beliefs such an obstacle?
The Law of Attraction is based on the rule that you manifest what you put out into the world: like attracts like. When you feel great, optimistic, hopeful, grateful, successful, satisfied, etc., the Universe will give you more opportunities that prolong or intensify those feelings.
On the other hand, if you are anxious about something or feel that everything is difficult and going wrong, this is what you will get more of.
Our restrictive beliefs often stem from our childhood, and we are sometimes unaware of their existence because they are buried so deep inside our subconscious minds. However, even if we are not aware of them, they can still create resistance.
Let’s have a closer look at an example.
Suppose you were raised in a family that didn’t have much money. Perhaps your parents often argued about money, and whenever you asked for something new, you were told, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
Maybe they complained about people who had more money than they did, saying that rich people are selfish and arrogant.
Whether you are conscious of this or not, there is a very high possibility that you absorbed this belief – or at least a part of it.
Having this restrictive belief will make you put up barriers when it comes to your finances because you believe that money is difficult to get and causes stress. Plus, you don’t consider yourself selfish or arrogant, so you can’t possibly be like those rich people your parents disliked so much.
Then what happens? Well, the Universe tunes in to your thoughts and vibrational frequency and gives you exactly what you’re thinking about: stress around money and making it difficult for you to earn it.
You get what you wish for – so be careful what kind of wish you put out there.
Unfortunately, we are exposed to many of these restrictive beliefs during childhood and adolescence. Our subconscious minds accept them as the truth because they usually come from people we trust, e.g., parents, teachers, family members, friends, etc.
They become such an ingrained part of us that it can be difficult to get rid of them as we have lived with many of them for most of our lives!
It doesn’t have to be hard to make money, and if you’re rich, you definitely don’t have to be selfish or arrogant. Many wealthy people use their fortune to ease the suffering of those less fortunate and …