How To Manifest a Boyfriend [10 VITAL Steps]

The manifestation process is a powerful tool that you can use when you manifest anything you desire, from love, money, a career, a place to live, a better life, etc. 

As I notice many women struggle with finding love, in this article, I am going to focus on how to manifest a boyfriend.

I strongly believe that people should be able to have whatever their hearts truly desire. Living unfulfilled in one aspect of your life, such as love or career, can bring tremendous suffering.

People are meant to live together and to share the love with one another, however, there are moments in life when something in ourselves prevents us from experiencing love and enjoying it. 

This is why I am going to show you how to manifest a boyfriend and remove any blockages that prevent you from attracting the love you wish to experience as soon as possible. 

What is the key to manifesting a boyfriend?

key to manifesting a boyfriend

The key to manifesting a boyfriend is aligning yourself with the vibrational frequency which matches the type of partner or relationship you desire. 

Whether you want to attract a specific person or just a certain type of partner, the same law applies. You need to be an energetic and vibrational match to the person you want to be in a relationship with. 

As you may already know, you manifest every second of your life anyway, whether you do it consciously or unconsciously.

See also  101 Affirmations for Love to Attract Love in Your Life!

The Law of Attraction is one of the Laws that keep the Universe functioning, therefore, it will work with or without your specific intent.

Thus, you need to ask yourself the following question: do you still want to create your life subconsciously and on auto-pilot, or do you want to become a powerful creator that manifests an amazing life?

Whatever you give energy, focus, and attention to, will end up coming to you, because the Universe receives the message “ I am focusing on this, therefore I want it”. 

The Universe does not distinguish between good and bad, but the law of vibration and attraction work by default and they make sure that similar energies end up in the same place. 

In other words, you attract what you are, and what you give focus and attention to.

Therefore, to attract a specific type of partner or relationship, you must become a vibrational match for them or for that relationship, by removing any internal blockages against love, as well as by healing and raising your vibration.

How long does it take to manifest a boyfriend?

how long to manifest a boyfriend

I don’t believe that I or anyone else can give a general timeframe for learning how to manifest a boyfriend because the process is different from person to person. 

See also  3 Signs you are in alignment with your desires and how to Manifest them

Instead, what I would say is that it depends on how you get through the manifestation process – how consistent you are, how much faith you have, and how true you are to yourself.

As mentioned before, you can learn how to manifest a boyfriend when you’re in alignment with the love, relationship, and type of person you want in your life.

Thus, you need to go through a process of healing old wounds, removing any soul blockages that you have built against love, and then maintain the manifestation going on with consistency. 

Below you can find the main 7 steps you need to follow in order to learn how to manifest a boyfriend: 

How to manifest a boyfriend in 10 steps

steps to manifest a boyfriend

#1. Heal your family wounds & karma

Manifesting a relationship could be easy, but don’t you want to learn how to manifest a boyfriend and a relationship that actually lasts? 

In that case, you need to heal your family wounds and bad karma, such as generational curses or any sort of emotional wounds that have been transmitted from generation to generation. 

This can be done in multiple ways, but some of the most important ways to do it are by sending Reiki and energy healing on your family karma and by taking part in family constellations. 

See also  Pillow Method For Manifestation (A Complete Guide)

In case you wonder why you need to heal family wounds and karma before learning how to manifest a boyfriend and a lasting relationship, I am going to explain. 

Family wounds and karma are something that we take with us everywhere we go, and until they are healed, they manifest in all aspects of our lives. 

This means that until they are dealt with, they will also show up in your relationships, nudging you towards traumatic bonds and dysfunctional patterns.

These sorts of relationships have low chances of surviving, therefore, if your aim is a long-term relationship or a happily-ever-after, I encourage you to start with this step.

#2. Forgive your parents

Parents are pivotal figures in any child’s inner world and overall development. 

They shape the way in which you view the world, people, and relationships. 

While you were growing up, your subconscious mind was storing up the images of your mother and father and making them the reference point about how men and women…

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