You Chose Reiki. Now What?

I began my Reiki training in 2007. Challenging circumstances in life forced me to seek support through different avenues of healing and self-growth. I explored gemology, handwriting analysis, law of attraction, meditation and dance therapy. Reiki came along a little later the same year. I benefitted in different ways from all the therapies I experimented with. However, Reiki and Law Of Attraction turned out to be the biggest game changers of all!

Reiki came into my life like a whirlwind and cleaned my life from the inside out. The cleansing process started soon after the attunement, when I came down with flu like symptoms. My teacher told me that considering I was in a dark phase, the light brought in by the attunement must have likely triggered a deep cleanse, aka, healing crisis. Though I wasn’t feeling good at all, I accepted the situation for what it was. Since my symptoms were quite severe, I took a few days off from work and was also on medication to keep myself comfortable.

Once the flu passed, I emerged feeling lighter and happier.

I was then able to relax into Reiki and experience the miracle it truly was.

Apart from giving me some quality time to relax each day, Reiki added more power to the intentions I had set for my life and complemented the law of attraction exercises I was practicing. Less than a month post my level one attunement, ALL of my intentions manifested!

You Chose Reiki. Now What?

Synchronicity kicked in, doors opened…

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Whatever wasn’t working made its way out of my life and created space for some amazing new people and circumstances to come in.

The biggest gift Reiki gave me was the feeling of expansiveness – the feeling of being connected to something much more than my limited human self.

There were times during self-healing practice when I felt connected to the entire cosmos and felt loving support pouring down.

When I was new to Reiki, my hands would grow hot (especially when placed over certain chakras). And I would look at them like, “Gosh! What in the world is going on here??”

To be honest, I do miss the sensation of my hands ‘heating up!’ Over time, this heat has transformed into a gentle warmth and tingling.

While my initial encounter with Reiki felt like dizzying love at first sight, my relationship with Reiki now is strong and steady, much like a romantic partnership you build with someone over years.

Reiki continues to feel equally miraculous, in a different way though. Or perhaps I have grown accustomed to the miracle it is!

I give huge credit to Reiki for where I am today. I would say Reiki has literally held my hand and walked me through life.

Now, why I am sharing all this?

  • Your story is not the same as mine.
  • Your goals may be very different.
  • You have your own dreams, ambitions and soul mission.
  • Your life path is certainly unique to you.
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However, what you and I do have in common is Reiki!

Reiki is not a one day project. It takes commitment and practice to…

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