11 Spiritual Meanings of Not being able to Breathe (In Dreams)

In the spiritual world, there are 11 spiritual meanings of not being able to breathe in dreams and real life.

We will explore all of these in this article.

People find it hard to breathe for different reasons. However, the common reason for not breathing properly is that a spiritual message is on its way to your soul.

This means you should always stay open-minded to get the message.

  • Is it bad to not breathe well in real life?
  • It’s a spiritual message?
  • Should I be concerned?

We will look at this questions alongside other questions for clarity.

Spiritual Meaning of Not being able to Breathe well in Real Life

Spiritual Meaning of Not being able to Breathe well

When you find it hard to breathe well in real life, it is tied to your lack of perception. The nose is a spiritual sense organ that enhances perception and discernment.

People who find it hard to breathe in real life might be having perception issues.

They will be easily deceived by people. In addition to this, they will not know how to differentiate between good people and bad people.

Finding it hard to breathe in real life indicates that your spiritual sensitivity is on the low.

This spiritual message calls for deep attention and reflection.

Whenever you have difficulty breathing in real life, the universe is calling for meditation and spiritual reconnection.

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It is not normal to have difficulty breathing in real life.

Only a spiritual attack could have caused this to happen. Getting this sign from the universe should put you on alert.

This should make you more vigilant than ever before.

The reason is that your spiritual senses help you to overcome spiritual obstacles. This creates the need for them to function properly.

Spiritually, when people find it hard to breathe well, it points their attention to the pressure they put on themselves.

The universe tries as much as possible to remove pressure from people’s minds.

When you are under pressure, it sometimes becomes impossible to think straight or creatively, and this can affect you in ways beyond comprehension. 

Whenever you can’t breathe well, see it as a spiritual sign that should not be ignored, and work on understanding the message it seeks to convey.

Furthermore, become spiritually connected with the universe. Your spirituality is tied to your ability to breathe.

Spiritual Meaning of Not being able to Breathe in Dreams

Sleeping and not breathing

In Africa, whenever people find it hard to breathe in their dreams, it is believed to be a spiritual attack.

Africans hold this thought dear to their heart because of the proof they have.

Whenever an evil spirit attacks people, the first activity that happens is difficulty in breathing or not breathing at all.

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Africans believe that evil spirits do this to stop such a person from screaming out for help.

Therefore, the spiritual message they get from this experience is an attack from an evil spirit, and this creates the need for protection.

In your dream, whenever you find it hard to breathe, it points to the issues you are facing in real life. You are becoming choked by these situations.

This is why you find it hard to breathe in your dream.

Your mind is revealing this to you through your dream because the dream world is the physical realm of the mind.

The moment you start having issues with breathing in your dream, understand that you are getting choked by the issues of life.

You need to take action. It is time to pray harder, work harder, and ensure your heart is at peace at all times.

Dreams about not being able to Breathe: It’s a bad sign?

Spiritual signs from dreams

There are 2 schools of thought concerning this.

  • The first school of thought talks about the perception of Africans concerning this situation. Africans hold the thought that having dreams where you are not able to breathe is a bad sign.

They believe that the spiritual world is like the physical world.

Therefore, breathing in and out should also happen in that realm.

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The moment this becomes impossible, it is an attack. When people wake up from that dream, they perform incantations, spells, and rituals for protection.

  • The second school of thought believes that this dream could be a good sign or a caution sign. That is, the spiritual world can give you this experience as an assurance of good things, or a warning to abstain from some things or some set of people. 

How should you react to dreams about not being able to breathe?

The best way to react to such dreams is by first paying attention to the dream.

Thinking and meditating on the dream comes next, after which you start getting answers to the reason behind such a dream. 

11 Spiritual Meanings of not being able to breathe in real life and dreams

Spiritual Meaning of not being able to breathe

You should never take this type of dream for granted. The reason is that it has a direct influence on your waking moments. These 11 spiritual meanings of not being able to breathe in real life and dreams will help you find your precise message from…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in angelicalbalance.com. All the rights of content are owned by angelicalbalance.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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