13 Feng Shui Bathroom Plants to Balance Draining Chi

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In feng shui, bathrooms represent draining Chi, which means they deplete the energy in your home.

Good Chi (life-force energy) is what moves through your home and life, bringing you everything you want.

Drains cause Chi to move out of your home instead of circulating.

One way to counteract the draining Chi is to keep plants in your bathroom.

Plants contain the earth element and wood element, balancing and slowing down the draining Chi.

Let’s discuss the best feng shui bathroom plants and where to put them!

feng shui bathroom plants

The best feng shui bathroom plants are those that love humidity and usually lower-light conditions.

Unless your bathroom is full of bright light, skylights, or windows, keeping plants that love bright light in your bathroom can be impossible without grow lights or other artificial light.

If your plants aren’t getting enough light, they will slowly die, and that causes stagnant Chi.

That’s the opposite of what you want if you’re trying to keep good Chi from draining away!

The best feng shui plants for your bathroom will enhance the energy, not detract from it.

Related Post: feng shui bathroom tips – how to create a spa-like experience at home!

bathroom with lots of plants around the bathtub

13 Excellent Feng Shui Bathroom Plants


Pothos are just great houseplants in general, which makes them extremely versatile to boost good feng shui!

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They are easy to grow and care for, plus they thrive in a variety of conditions.

As they grow they trail and vine, which softens hard edges and corners, so they are excellent to use as feng shui cures for poison arrows or to direct energy.

They are great for hanging baskets too, uplifting energy and directing Chi upward – which counteracts the draining Chi of bathrooms.

Golden pothos plants are probably the most popular in feng shui because they represent good fortune and wealth, but ANY pothos can be a great feng shui bathroom plant!


Ferns LOVE humidity and frequent watering and most can do well in lower light conditions, which can make them great plants for your bathroom or even your shower.

The best feng shui bathroom ferns are those with soft, feathery leaves, like lemon button ferns, boston ferns, or rabbit foot ferns.

Ferns with rounded leaves, like the lemon button fern, are also good feng shui because the leaves look like coins, which attract abundance and good fortune!

fern on bathroom windowsill

Snake Plant

Snake plants are interesting in feng shui because they have strong wood and fire energy, due to their tall and pointed leaves.

Like hanging plants, they direct energy upward which offsets the energy drains in a bathroom.

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Snake plants also do well in lower light conditions and don’t need much care or maintenance.

There are many different varieties of snake plants too, so you can use their different hues and variegations to add interest and movement!


Of course, orchids are feng shui darlings, known for increasing love, romance, and good fortune.

They come in so many different colors that you can use them to help balance the elements in your bathroom, too!

Orchids LOVE humidity, which makes them really attractive for bathrooms.

Yellow orchids are especially good feng shui bathroom plants because they add a touch of earth element color that balances the inherent water energy of bathrooms!

Peace Lily

The peace lily is such a good plant for anywhere in your home, but especially in the bathroom!

They can be quite dramatic plants because they wilt and droop when they need water.

The first time you see this happen you’ll think you killed your plant, but you didn’t!

If you are someone who overwaters your house plants, then peace lilies are the plant for you because you know EXACTLY when to water them!

Other than that the peace lily is super easy to care for.

They love humidity, don’t need a ton of light, and they will reward you with tall, gorgeous white flowers!

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They represent good fortune, innocence, purity, hope, and prosperity.

Their lush foliage will bring the wood element to your bathroom, which represents growth, momentum, and new beginnings.

The wood element is fed by the water element, so that energy will flow throughout your entire life!

bathroom with lots of plants


Eucalyptus are well-known for their medicinal benefits and often used in spas and even as smudge sticks to cleanse the air and stagnant energy in a space.

You might even have seen eucalyptus sprigs hung from showerheads, or recommendations to put eucalyptus oil in the shower to help with breathing and opening the lungs.

As a feng shui plant for your bathroom, keep in mind that live eucalyptus trees can grow very large so they might only work in your bathroom for a year or two.

Eucalyptus attracts prosperity and success (especially in business) so if you don’t want to keep a live eucalyptus tree in your bathroom, you can keep…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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