What Is The Law of Attraction and How Does It Work? | Aglow Lifestyle

The law of attraction is one of the best-known universal laws. The theory behind the law of attraction is that our thoughts and feelings attract other people, things, and situations into our lives.

However, is the law of attraction even real, or is it just modern pseudoscience? And if it’s real, how does it work?

Below is an overview of the law of attraction, how it works, and some examples so you can see how easily it can be applied to your life.

What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is the name given to the belief that positive thinking will bring positive results. So, if you focus on thoughts and feelings on what you want and believe in those positive outcomes, the law of attraction will help bring them into your life.

Most people are unaware that they can control their future just by using their thoughts and feelings. However, when you see and feel what you want in your mind, the universe will know to bring it.

The law of attraction can seem like a complex topic because of its various principles, including the law of vibration and receiving. Those who practice using these principles believe that you must completely eliminate all negative thoughts to make them work for you.

To harness the power of the law of attraction, you need to be focused on specific things. You should always focus your energy on things that you want. Otherwise, it will work against you. Positively is key to making the law of attraction work.

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The history of the law of attraction

The law of attraction is an idea that has been around for centuries, but before we go into how you can apply it in the modern world, we need to understand that this isn’t just new-age nonsense.

Buddha was actually one of the first to introduce people to the law of attraction. He said, “what you become is what you have thought.” This means that whatever we focus on and think about is what we attract into our lives, which is where the law of attraction began.

As the law of attraction spread to western cultures, the concept of karma was born. Karma states that what you put out into the universe is what you will get back. If you put negatively into the universe, you get back negatively. Just like if you put out positivity, you will get back positivity. Your actions and thoughts affect your future, which is why you need to be careful what you put out into the world.

The law of attraction is not a new concept, but it has gained new recognition in recent years because of the book, The Secret. This book led to even more people learning about the concept of the law of attraction and how it could be used for their benefit.

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The science behind the law of attraction

In the last few years, the work of quantum physicists has shone new light on the enormous role that our minds’ power has on our lives and the world. Quantum physics states that energetic frequencies vibrate all around us at every given time, which affects how our lives go.

When you feel positive emotions, your energetic frequency rises, and your rate lowers when you feel negative emotions. This means that whatever energy you send out into the world will attract more people and situations of a similar nature back to you, based on their own energetic resonance.

If we focus on anger or fear, we actually suppress our ability to manifest what we want into our lives because we create a lower vibration. This is why it’s so important that we are aware of the energy we are sending out and focus on what we do want.

How does the law of attraction work?

The law of attraction works in the sense that you must think about what you want to bring it forth. Some sub-laws are used to manifest what you want, but the law of attraction is essentially about putting out your thoughts and feelings into the universe.

You need to have these 4 things in place if you want the law of attraction to work for you:

1. Self-belief

For the law of attraction to work, you have to believe in the theory and believe that it will work for you. The more you believe in the law of attraction, the better chance you have that it will work for you.

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2. A clear desire

How do you expect the universe to know if you don’t know what you want to attract? You have to be specific and have a clear idea of what you want.

3. Positive thoughts

When you think positively and see what you want in your mind, the universe will pick this up and start to work towards getting these things for you. The law of attraction will bring these things to you, as this is what it is designed to do.

4. Positive actions

To experience the law of attraction, you also need to take positive steps towards attaining your goals or anything that you want in life. You can’t just sit around thinking positively and expect the results to happen automatically.

When you act on the thoughts and feelings of what you want, it gives the universe something tangible to work with, enabling it to attract more into your life.

When the law of attraction doesn’t work

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