18 Way The Universe Sends You Messages

We all know that the universe sends us messages every day. Some people call them signs, and some people just think they’re coincidences.

But I believe they are there to help guide you on your journey through life and make it easier for you to find what you need – whether it be a new job or a new home.

Here are 18 signs you need to pay attention to!

1. Recurring Experiences

The universe could be trying to tell you if you are on the right path or not.

If you repeatedly encounter certain signs, there is a good chance that they are messages from the universe.

Signs that are sent by the Universe can be seen everywhere, but they often take subtle forms.

If something happens once, it’s not always the Universe trying to send you a message.

However, if it starts happening more than that, there is definitely something bigger at play here!

Pay attention when you start seeing these signs more regularly.

2. Dreams

One of the ways you can tell the universe is trying to communicate with you is through your dreams.

Our brains are incredibly active while we’re sleeping and our subconscious minds can send us messages in our dreams, especially if it’s trying to convey something important like a warning or lesson about the future.

You might remember having dreams about people or events that will play out in your life.

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In fact, when you learn about the messages through dreams and start paying attention to them, then it’s a possibility that they’ll happen more often because you’re calling on the Universe for information.

Your unconscious mind is the part of you that is most open to receiving messages from the Universe.Dreams1

3. Animals And Nature

You’ve come across many of these in your life, and perhaps you’ve even experienced a few of them.

Animals often come to our rescue because they can sense when we’re in trouble or need help.

Sometimes animals reveal themselves to us when they are most unexpected.

When you have a connection with an animal, they often show up in your life when you need them the most.

They never fail to make their presence known and give us a reassuring message that everything will be okay.

It’s like they’re always there for us whether we realize it or not!

Repeated sightings of an animal can be a sign of what’s to come.

When an animal keeps showing up, it can mean that there is a lesson for you to learn.

For example, when you see birds in a flock high in the sky, there might be a hidden message for you.

The natural world is a reflection of our inner world.

Animals are often used as symbols to teach us something about ourselves and guide us.Animals And Nature

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4. Patterns Of Numbers

There will be a time when you see numbers repeating in your life.

It’s important to pay attention because this is the universe sending you a message!

For example, you haven’t checked the time for ages, and you get the sudden urge to look at your phone or watch, and the time is 11:11, 2:22, 22:22, etc.

These numbers are the universe’s way of telling you to take notice and look into what they mean because something significant is going on!

The universe sends us the most powerful messages through numbers, letters, and words during times of immense change or transition in our lives.

These are extremely significant moments that will have a major effect on how your future unfolds – so make sure to read between the lines!Patterns Of Numbers

5. Synchronicity

Synchronicity happens for a reason because the universe is trying to tell you something.

These small moments of coincidence aren’t accidents, they’re clues.

A good example of this is when you’re thinking of someone, they call or text.

The universe wants your attention and will go out of its way to get it.

These coincidences are indicators that there’s something the universe needs to tell you about yourself, other people, or situations in your life.

Paying special attention to these small moments can improve your understanding of who you are and what is important to you.

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Now is a good time to connect with your spirit guides to ask for help with understanding the universe’s messages.Synchronicity

6. Recurring Words/Phrases

There is a deep meaning to words and phrases that keep popping up in life.

For example, the universe might send you the phrase “slow down” over and over again until you finally take heed to its advice.

Messages are sent through many different mediums, including people, books that are read, or songs you hear on the radio.

It usually means that the universe is trying to tell you something, and it’s time for a change in your life.

7. Pain And Illness

There will be situations when you are in so much pain, be it physical or mental.

The universe will send you messages telling you to stop what you are doing and take care of yourself.

Listen to these messages because they’re trying to protect you from further damage that could lead to serious health issues.

The location of the pain of illness might have a hidden meaning, something…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SpiritualUnite.com. All the rights of content are owned by SpiritualUnite.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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