5 Ways to Heal Your Throat Chakra to Connect with Your Inner Truth

When you think of the word “truth,” what feelings does it evoke? Some people believe in one universal truth that is accessible to us all through spiritual enlightenment, yet others believe that the truth is something highly subjective, defined by our individual life experiences. When we think of the Throat Chakra, many of us focus on voice and speech.

However, the most important thing about the Throat Chakra isn’t just about how you express yourself, but what you’re saying. The Throat Chakra acts as the channel through which you share inner truth and deepest wisdom. In this blog, I’ll show you 5 Ways to Heal Your Throat Chakra to Connect with Your Inner Truth.

About the Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is located at your physical throat and is associated with your voice and how you share your wisdom with the world. When your Throat Chakra is balanced, you express your truth with clarity and conviction, striking a balance between speaking and listening.

Your internal dialogue is also healthy and uplifting – being honest with yourself without putting yourself down. If you find it hard to get the words out or say what you really mean, struggle with listening to what other people are saying, or engage in frequent gossip or negative self-talk, this chakra may be out of alignment.

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We can often find healing this chakra difficult because so many of us experienced repression in this area during childhood. In many cultures, it has been a long-held belief that children should be “seen but not heard.” For others, these experiences may have come later in life – feeling silenced by partners, colleagues, and social perceptions of what is appropriate to talk about.

Let the following five approaches to healing your Throat Chakra inspire you to explore both individual and collective truths, and help you find ways to feel comfortable expressing them.

5 Ways to Heal Your Throat Chakra to Connect with Your Inner Truth

1. Use Your Voice

You don’t have to talk to other people to grow accustomed to using your voice. If you’re home alone, become your own narrator and try describing out loud how the events of your day make you feel. If you feel silly talking out loud to yourself, try singing in the shower.

Even journaling your thoughts and feelings can be a fantastic way to start using your voice. Start simple with a gratitude journal, writing down 3-5 things that happened during the day that made you feel thankful. The key is to find a method of expression that allows you to feel safe giving voice to what is true to you.

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2. Color Magic

One aspect of magic I love to practice is color magic, the process of using color intentionally to raise vibrations of sacred items and spaces. The Throat Chakra aligns with the color light blue. Light blue is peace – the deep exhale that releases oxygen from our bodies. It aligns and balances us. Light blue is also associated with spirituality, calm, wisdom, loyalty, and inner depth. It’s the color of the sky and sea and often represents expansiveness.

You can work with color magic to heal and balance your Throat Chakra by lighting blue candles, wearing blue clothing and accessories, and eating blue foods such as blueberries, blue corn, and drinking blue pea flower tea. Or even treat yourself to an indulgent slice of blue velvet cake!

3. Heal with Gemstones

There are so many incredible Throat Chakra-opening gems that you can work with. Some of my favorites are blue lace agate, amazonite, angelite, and turquoise. Blue lace agate opens up creative pathways and is a perfect stone for …

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SageGoddess.com. All the rights of content are owned by SageGoddess.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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