Can A Soulmate REALLY Be A Best Friend? Here’s What We Think

A soulmate is someone who you are destined to meet and spend the rest of your life with. 

However, it is often said that a soulmate can also be the best friend that you have ever had. 

The thing about soulmates is that they’re not just someone romantically made for you but can also be someone you consider your best friend. 

This article will discuss everything you need to know about a soulmate and being a best friend. 

Can a Soulmate be a Best Friend?

Yes. This is otherwise known as a platonic soulmate. But what exactly is a platonic soulmate?

A platonic soulmate is someone you meet early on in life who becomes your best friend and stays that way for a significant period. 

These are people who will go through the ups and downs with you and support you in every way possible. 

They are there for you when no one else is, even if it doesn’t always seem like it at the time.

This is also someone who will love you for who you are, even if they don’t agree with everything about you or your choices. 

They won’t judge you for being different from them because they know that everyone has their own path to walk down in life and that yours may not be the same as theirs, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong or bad just because it’s different from theirs.

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Platonic soulmates understand each other on another level than most people do, which makes them perfect for each other because they don’t have to worry about keeping secrets from one another or hiding things from each other because they know each other inside out already!

The Differences Between a Soulmate and a Best Friend

Soulmate vs best friend

1. You can never run away from a soulmate 

The difference between a soulmate and a best friend is that you can never run away from a soulmate. 

With your best friend, it’s always “If you don’t like me, don’t talk to me.” 

But with your soulmate, when things are hard, messy, and painful, you stay together because you’re meant to be – it’s fate! 

You need each other because there would be no balance in this world without each other. 

After all, a soulmate completes the other half of ourselves (like Yin & Yang).

2. A soulmate is a divine connection

A soulmate is a divine connection with your higher self. 

It’s a divine connection to your higher purpose, which is often hidden from you at the moment but can be revealed to you through your most cherished relationships.

A best friend, on the other hand, is someone who knows all of your flaws and imperfections and loves you anyway. 

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They’re someone who encourages you to be better than you are now, and as amazing as your friendship is, it isn’t divine – not unless your best friend is also your soulmate.

3. You get instant recognition with a soulmate

With a best friend, it may take months—or even years—for you to develop an instant connection and feel like you have known them for ages. 

With your soulmate, however, you’ll know they are the one within moments of meeting them. 

You might even feel as though you have known them forever or in another life. 

Soulmates can also exist on other planes of existence. 

Some believe that their soulmates exist in different dimensions than their own (and we don’t just mean parallel universes).

4. Your soulmate knows you better than yourself

Differences between Soulmate and Best Friend

Your soulmate knows you better than yourself. If they’re not a part of your life, it’s like being blind. 

They know every little thing about you—your fears, insecurities, strengths, and weaknesses—what makes you tick. 

They know what your favorite foods are and what kind of music you like to listen to when no one else is around (and even how those things have changed over time). 

Your best friend may be able to predict some of this information based on past interactions with you or from other people who have known them longer than both parties involved in the friendship. 

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However, it’s unlikely that either party could say with certainty that their other half would know all these things about them if asked later down the road. 

This is because many layers are involved in human relationships that aren’t immediately apparent upon first meeting someone new.

5. Soulmates cross your path to learning a significant lesson

Soulmates are different from best friends in that they cross your path to learning a significant lesson. 

They aren’t just your friend or your lover, but also the person who will help you grow and learn somehow. 

You can not choose your soulmate—the Universe does. 

Soulmates are a mirror of what is missing in your own life. 

They help us see ourselves more clearly by reflecting back to us our issues and emotions that we have been attempting to hide or suppress. 

They remind us of who we truly are by showing up in our lives at just the right moment (or wrong moment) when we…

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