9 simple feng shui tips to change your life (and shift your perspective)

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Whether you want to create a new habit, break an old habit, get a new job, create a breakthrough, or just support yourself in starting a new hobby, feng shui can help you change your life!

Why does feng shui help you change your life?

The things that are closest to us have the biggest effect on us. 

This is why they say the five people you’re closest to are the ones who affect you the most — everything close to us has an effect on how we think, how we feel, what we believe, and then by extension, the actions we take. 

If you change the things that surround you, you’ll change how you feel every day, which changes your perspective about your life and home.

Once those dominoes fall, change the actions you take.

9 simple feng shui tips to change your life and shift your perspective

Here are 9 feng shui tips to change your life!

One:  Take stock of the things that bother you the most. 

Is there something in your home that you put up with on a daily basis (or even more than once a day!) that drives you CRAZY?

Maybe it’s things falling out of your medicine cabinet every time you brush your teeth. 

Maybe it’s hard to find things in your refrigerator, so you’re frustrated every time you eat. 

Maybe it’s something bigger, like an appliance that doesn’t work right, carpet that you hate or that smells, the color of your curtains, or a laundry room that makes you hate laundry. 

stove top with black tea kettle

Whatever it is, it’s time to tackle it. 

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If you’re serious about changing your life, think about HOW GOOD changing that daily annoyance will be. 

A lot of times we just put up with things because we don’t feel like we have the time to do something about them. 

And it doesn’t have to be anything huge, but it can make a huge difference to your energy and how you live on a daily basis.

Two:  Go through your closet. 

When we are ready for change, the closet is a good place to start!

Go through all of your clothes and consider whether or not they will support the change you’re making. 

For example, if you want a new job and you’ll need a professional suit, do you have one?

Is there room in your closet for one?  If not, make room!

The Universe loves to fill space, but it needs you to make room for it to happen!

Do you want to start an exercise routine? Do you have clothes you want to workout in? (Are there clothes hanging on your exercise equipment????? )

Do you have clothes that you hate or no longer wear?

Have you gained or lost weight and have a bunch of clothes that don’t fit properly? 

You get the idea:  our closet reflects where we’ve been AND where we are going. 

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In feng shui, everything is energy – including what’s in the closet.

So even if you don’t have the budget to get a bunch of new things, you can still go through your old things and reorganize and declutter. 

If you aren’t ready to get rid of things, you can box up the clothes and store them for a few months.

You’ll probably find that you don’t even think of them again because you’ve detached your energy.

This makes it a lot easier to get rid of them.

But even if you don’t get rid of ANYTHING in your closet, cleaning and reorganizing can help you feel less stress and frustration every time you get dressed.

plant on floor next to mirror

Three:  What do you have displayed in your home? 

In feng shui, everything in your home has a meaning you’ve attached to it. 

Take a look at all of your home decor: the colors, the artwork, certificates or diplomas, books, and pictures. 

What do they say about your life?

Do they represent the change you’d like to make?

Do you have things displayed in your home that reflect where you’re going?

Or does everything in your home reflect where you’ve been? 

We tend to buy books and artwork that reflect where we are at that point in time in our lives. 

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You might find that you have artwork that feels sad or is full of colors that you no longer love.

Or you have pictures displayed from several years ago that don’t reflect you or your family as you are or where you want to be.

Clear out anything that doesn’t feel right to you anymore. 

plant on coffee table by couch

Two things that make a huge difference to how your home and life feel are books and pictures. 

Make sure you aren’t holding on to old self-help books that reflect problems you’ve worked on. 

And if you want to call in a new, exciting future, switch out your pictures so that they don’t reflect old trips, old relationships, or old jobs — anything that doesn’t make you happy anymore! 

Even switching out a few throw pillows or worn bedding can give you a whole new feel in your home and make you feel happier and more optimistic about the future! 

Little changes make huge differences.

kitchen cabinet with spices and glassware

Four:  Clean your front door. 

One of my favorite things to do any time I am ready for change is to clean my front…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in peacelovefengshui.com. All the rights of content are owned by peacelovefengshui.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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