How to Manifest Concert Tickets?

Want to manifest concert tickets for free? Follow these 5 steps to get those tickets and see your favorite artist quickly.

The powerful law of attraction states that like attracts like.

Without exception, you will always attract into your life whatever you give your attention to.

So of course, this law will apply to things like concert tickets.

Use these 5 steps below to manifest concert tickets.

1. Clarify Why You Want Concert Tickets

The first step to manifesting concert tickets is to clarify what you want and why you want it.

Grab a journal and describe this concert you want to attend. Who is performing? What is the setlist? What are you looking forward to the most? Write it all down.

Then write down why you want to manifest it.

The reason is important because it will dictate whether you will attract positive or negative experiences.

If your intention is backed by negative energy like neediness or jealousy, then you’ll attract more negative outcomes.

If your intention is backed by positive energy like joy and appreciation, then you will attract more positive outcomes.

2. Visualize Yourself Having Fun At The Concert

The second step to manifesting concert tickets is to visualize yourself enjoying the concert.

As I teach in my book Feeling Good, your energy creates your reality.

Therefore, it’s important to remember that it’s your feeling that attracts when it comes to manifestation.

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Whatever energy and attention you put out into the Universe, will come back to you.

Out of the many manifestation techniques available, the best way to get into the feeling when of what you want is through visualization.

Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and picture in your head what your life would be like if your desire has already manifested.

Visualize yourself having the time of life in the venue, enjoying the performance, singing along to your favorite songs—anything that will help you get into the feeling of experiencing the desire.

Most people will feel joyful or happy which are all emotions with high vibrations.

According to the Law of Attraction, when you are joyful or happy, you will attract experiences that match your energy.

Don’t try to visualize how you’ll find the tickets or when you’ll find the tickets.

These unanswerable questions will just distract you from feeling the end result you want to manifest.

Step 3: Identify Your Limiting Beliefs

The third step to manifesting concert tickets is to call out any limiting beliefs that are in your way.

Limiting beliefs are the beliefs that block you from fully believing you can have your desire.

Some common limiting beliefs when manifesting concert tickets are:

  • It’s so hard to find tickets
  • The tickets are so expensive
  • I can’t afford the tickets
  • It’s hard to win free tickets
  • I never get picked to win anything
  • All the tickets are sold out already
  • I don’t know anyone with extra tickets
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One thing that’s common in all of these limiting beliefs is they are all false.

These limiting beliefs only exist in your mind as a result of your past experiences to protect yourself from pain in the future.

The first step to getting rid of your limiting beliefs is to simply acknowledge them.

By witnessing your limiting beliefs, you’ll be able to recognize that they are not true and take corrective action to eliminate them from your life.

Honor yourself for having the strength to witness your limiting beliefs instead of running from them.

Trust that if you weren’t ready to face your limiting beliefs about your relationships, you wouldn’t have even read this blog post!

By choosing to search for a post like this, you’re sending a massive statement to the Universe that you’re ready to heal and be free.

Step 4: Recite Positive Affirmations

The fourth step to manifesting concert tickets is to replace your limiting beliefs by reciting positive affirmations.

Use affirmations to gently replace your negative thoughts with high-vibe energy.

Recite your affirmations while maintaining the energy you cultivated in Step 2.

Use these affirmations to combat your limiting beliefs:

  1. I am the creator of my own reality.
  2. I will find these tickets no matter what.
  3. I really enjoy going to concerts.
  4. I love the idea of watching this artist perform live.
  5. I can’t wait to see this concert.
  6. I am ready to have the time of my life!
  7. It is totally possible for me to find tickets.
  8. The tickets are coming to me. I can feel it.
  9. I am open to all creative possibilities.
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If you’re new to affirmations, you can follow this guide on using affirmations to get started.

But the number one thing to remember when using positive affirmations is it’s all about how you feel.

Affirmations work the best when you actually believe in what you are saying. Don’t just recite affirmations just for the sake of doing it.

Choose a few that resonate with you and actually imagine how you feel if you lived out the affirmation.

If reciting an affirmation brings you a sense of relief, then you are on the right track to harnessing the power of positive affirmations.

Try writing affirmations for yourself. No one knows you and your circumstances better than you! The most powerful affirmations are the affirmations you write for yourself…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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