7 Signs You Have An Underactive Sacral Chakra

Svadhishthana is the Sanskrit translation of what is commonly known in Western cultures as the sacral chakra.

It is the second energy center in the human body.

Located in the low abdomen, just above the root chakra, the sacral chakra houses all of our pleasures and passions in life.

Your sacral chakra could be underactive if you just learned how to activate it.

Focusing your energy too far in another direction, like the crown and third eye chakras, for example, can lead to similar results.

Regardless, you are likely to experience the same sort of emotions or signs when your sacral chakra is underactive. 

What are the signs of an underactive sacral chakra? Detachment, constant fatigue, irrational insecurities, no passions or desire, little to no creativity, no libido, and a fear of any sort of pleasure in life are signs of an underactive sacral chakra. Someone with an underactive sacral chakra may also feel undeserving of what they desire in life.

Not great things to experience, but nothing a little energy work can’t fix. 

The sacral chakra is the culprit of many mental issues in the world today.

Depression, anxiety, and disassociation are three major examples that could be relieved as a result of maintaining a balanced sacral chakra. 

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What Causes An Underactive Sacral Chakra?

Causes An Underactive Sacral Chakra

Speaking on mental illness and its causes is still somewhat of a touchy subject in today’s world because there is still so much to be learned about the brain.

That said, if there is an imbalance anywhere in the chakra system (the subtle body), it can and most likely will result in some sort of mental illness. 

That’s not to say that all mental illnesses are simply manifestations of chakra imbalances, but most chakra imbalances will manifest as mental illnesses, among other things. 

Typically, an underactive sacral chakra will result in a lack of passion or interest in anything.

When you look up the definition of depression, you will find a similar answer.

You will probably notice a general disconnect from anything that people find desirable in the physical plane, and chances are, you will want to sleep all the time. 

On the other hand, an overactive sacral chakra could result in being drawn to conflict and drama.

Regardless, these emotions’ root cause are based on the general lack of connection between your subtle Self and your physical Self. 

Both an underactive and overactive sacral chakra can result in drug addiction and even physical abuse.

For more information on the signs of an overactive sacral chakra, click here

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Fear is the number one cause of blockage in the sacral chakra, and a blockage is what causes the under-activity.

There are many different types of fear that humans can experience, and different chakras could lead to different types of fear. 

The fear that usually causes an underactive sacral chakra is a fear of death or fear of life rather.

There is such an enormous amount of pressure that we put on ourselves to experience the most we possibly can in life.

So many people are terrified of living a life full of regrets that they either try to do too much (overactivity), or they shut down and don’t do anything (under-activity). 

This fear of life or death buries itself in your passion center and radiates into your daily life.

Maybe you suddenly have a fear that your partner is going to leave you, and you shut down and internalize everything, or you outwardly express this fear resulting in an irrational argument that confuses your partner.  

Someone with a balanced sacral chakra can see what they consider to be a fulfilled life and can manifest that life without fear because they know what they want, and they aren’t fearful.

To put it simply, when your sacral chakra is balanced, you can more easily find the balance between taking life too seriously and not caring about anything. 

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Other Potential Causes

Other Potential Causes of underactive chakra

Activating other chakras can also cause under-activity in the sacral chakra, namely, the third-eye and crown chakras.

These are the two chakras that are most closely linked with the spiritually divine energies rather than those tied to the physical plane. 

When you begin your journey of activating and balancing the third-eye and crown chakra, it is important to remember that you are still a human having a physical experience.

The stronger your connection with the spiritual world becomes, the more energy that is taken from other areas, like the sacral chakra. 

Think of it this way: 

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only re-cycled and used over again.

So, if you put more and more energy into one area, then there are other areas that aren’t receiving that energy.

You aren’t creating more spiritual energy.

You are using the energy that was once in your sacral chakra.

As a…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SubconsciousServant.com. All the rights of content are owned by SubconsciousServant.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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