34 Effective Affirmations For Letting Go | Aglow Lifestyle

We all hold onto grudges and negativity, but it might be time to let some go.

Holding onto anger and resentment only hurts you and can create more problems in your life.

Forgiveness can have a huge positive impact on your life.

Not only will you feel better, but others around you will be affected positively too.

Affirmations make letting go easy, as they help reprogram your mind to let go of the negative energy.

Here are 34 affirmations to help you let go of whatever is holding you back.

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What are affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements made in the present tense that reflect the desired outcome that you want to achieve.

For example, if you’re trying to let go of negativity, then an affirmation could be, “I am now letting go of all the negativity that is holding me back.”

Affirmations are used to reprogram your subconscious mind, and as a result, you start seeing changes in your outer world.

Once you say them, they start to manifest in your reality.

This is why they can be so powerful, which makes them a great tool for personal growth.

34 affirmations for letting go

1. I am letting go of all the fear and anxiety holding me back.

2. I am now letting go of all the negative thoughts I had about myself and life.

3. I trust the universe.

4. I am comfortable with who I am and where I am right now.

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5. I let go of past mistakes.

6. I let go of all the things that no longer serve me.

7. I am no longer holding grudges.

8. I am free from worry.

9. My past does not define me.

10. I feel empowered.

11. I am liberated from the weight of all my problems.

12. I am ready to let go of my past and create healthier habits for myself.

13. I let go of all the things that no longer serve me.

14. I am no longer afraid to take risks and face challenges.

15. I can look at my situation and see the bigger picture.

16. I am confident enough to let go of what no longer serves me.

17. I am ready to make a fresh start and enjoy the moments that life offers.

18. I feel a new sense of self-awareness.

19. I am abandoning my past negativities and moving forward.

20. I am healing from the past.

21. I am reborn and transformed from my past.

22. I am gaining a new perspective of life and moving to a happier place.

23. I am learning to forgive myself and others for past mistakes.

24. I am now letting go of the baggage that held me down for so long.

25. My past has made me the person that I am today.

26. My past is behind me, and I see it for what it truly was, a learning experience.

28. I feel free from all my limitations.

29. With each breath, I feel more happiness and ease.

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30. My mind is now free of all the stress and anxiety that held me back.

31. I am letting go of the need to always be right.

33. I no longer harbor anger towards people who have hurt me in the past.

34. I am now learning from my mistakes, and now I have evolved from them.

How to use affirmations for letting go

1. Choose a few affirmations that resonate with you

The first step to using affirmations is to choose a few that you feel hold some significance for you.

These can be affirmations that touch on the specific issue you want to work on, or they can be broader affirmations that encompass a whole range of issues.

For example, you may want to focus on letting go of anger, so an affirmation for this could be, “I am letting go of all the anger I have stored up inside me.”

By choosing affirmations that speak to you, you’re more likely to believe them and see results.

2. Write down the affirmation in a journal

Once you’ve chosen the affirmations that resonate most for you, write them down.

This is one of the most important steps, as it makes it more likely that you will remember them throughout the day.

When writing your affirmations down, don’t think of them as an affirmation; think of them more like a statement.

Always write your affirmations in the present tense and first-person (i.e., “I am” or “I feel”) because this will make it more effective.

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Practice writing the affirmations daily.

3. Speak them out loud to yourself daily

Affirmations work best when spoken out loud, so once you’ve written your affirmations down, practice saying them out loud every day.

This is especially important when it comes to affirmations for letting go, as you need to make sure that the words are coming from your own voice, so you feel them on a deeper level.

4. Feel the emotion and intent behind the words

For affirmations to work, you have to feel the emotions and intent behind the words.

So when you’re speaking your affirmations out loud, try to feel them in your body.

Feel the power behind the words and visualize the positive outcome you want.

Repeat your affirmations as many times as you can each day, especially when you wake up and before you go to sleep.

Final thoughts

Practicing affirmations is an excellent way to bring about positive change in your life and help you let go of all the things holding you back.

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