Crystal Witchcraft – Getting Started with Crystal Magick | Welcome To Wicca Now

Hi lovelies and welcome to Wicca Now. As you may already know, Wicca Now is a site where Amaria and I write all about witchcraft, Wicca, crystals and magick. Lately, I’ve been covering a lot of crystal related content, like this post on how to charge your crystals, a recipe about how to make crystal infused water and a post all about crystal correspondences. Today I thought we’d take a broader look at crystals and magick and talk about crystal witchcraft.

Crystals have always fascinated me and as a child, I remember asking my parents to buy me specific crystals that I’d had my eye on for my birthdays. I used to line my crystal collection up in the sun and observe how they glittered and glowed. Sometimes I’d carry a special crystal in my pocket and touch it throughout the day and I can even remember one specific crystal (a round smooth piece of tigers eye) that I liked to suck on like a hard-boiled piece of candy (strange as it may sound).

What I didn’t realise at the time was that I was intuitively practising a sort of crystal magick. By placing the crystals in the sunlight I was cleansing and charging them, by touching or carrying them with me I was working with the energies of the crystal to help soothe or energise. It’s amazing how most of us are naturally inclined to do certain things as children which we need to relearn to do as adults, don’t you think?

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Humanity itself has always had a fascination with crystals; from the ancient Egyptians who wore gemstone jewellery and carried amulets made from crystals to the Romans who named certain crystals after the qualities they were thought to possess. 

crystal witchcraft image of peridot crystal with factual text on white background

By the time a crystal lands in your hand, it has probably already lived an incredibly diverse and storied existence. Maybe the crystal you hold was passed down from mother to daughter for many generations, maybe it lay deep inside a fiery volcano for thousands of years. Perhaps it bubbled up and down with the waters of a subterranean hydrothermal spring or it lay buried deep under many layers of sediment and stone until it was mined and brought forth into the light.

Some crystals are so old that they existed long before humans even walked the earth and whilst many people differentiate between precious and semi-precious crystals, for witches, all crystals are precious and unique.

How to Practice Crystal Witchcraft

For many beginner or baby witches working with crystals is something that they most look forward to and I can understand why. The beauty and energy embodied by crystals make them a wonderful starting place for rituals, energy work or spells. Working with crystal magick can be incredibly inspiring and enriching for your practice regardless of whether you are a baby witch or one with many years of practice under her or his metaphorical belt.

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If you’re interested in elevating your crystal magick and to start seriously practising crystal witchcraft, I’ve outlined some of the main points you might like to consider below:

How does Crystal Witchcraft Work?

Witches generally acknowledge that crystals emit certain frequencies and working with these frequencies forms the basis of crystal witchcraft. While there is no scientific evidence (yet) to confirm that crystals can directly affect our bodies and environments, that doesn’t mean that they don’t. Witches have worked with crystals for centuries and believe that by harnessing a stones specific energy, that they can in turn guide this energy towards a specific problem in order for it to then manifest a solution.

Please note: crystals are in no way a replacement for modern medicine and should not be relied upon to cure any ailments. Please always consult a medical professional for any health-related issued.

crystal witchcraft image of a sapphire and text about sapphires on a white background

What Exactly is a Crystal Witch?

As you may already know, witchcraft is an incredibly diverse field and witches choose to define themselves (or not) in a wide variety of ways. If your interested in learning more about the different types of witches, check out this post Amaria wrote on 20 different types of witches. A crystal witch is generally a witch who had decided to focus his or her craft primary on crystal witchcraft and crystal magick. This means that a crystal witch will generally possess wide-ranging knowledge about crystals and the qualities that each crystal enjoys. He or she might choose to work with crystals in the following ways:

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Remember that becoming proficient in any area of witchcraft takes time and patience. Learning to become a crystal witch requires a witch to dedicate her or himself to truly understanding the world of crystals, something that might take years and years of practice. Don’t beat yourself up if you feel like you’re not ‘getting it’ at the start, stay persistent and keep working with the stones until their language begins to reveal itself to you.

How to Choose Your Crystals

Many witches believe that a crystal should not be…

Click here to read this complete article.

Disclaimer : This article is originally published in All the rights of content are owned by We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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