Vomiting And Nausea Spiritual Meaning – Ascension Sickness

Many people who are walking the journey to ascension report a particular phenomenon that they find difficult to explain.

They describe a period of sickness or illness that cannot be ascribed to their physical or mental health.

Their symptoms puzzle doctors and seem to flicker in and out of them randomly.

But there is nothing random about it.

What these people are experiencing is ascension sickness. This is the natural reaction our bodies have to the ascension process.

Disclaimer: Please remember this article is about spiritual symptoms of sickness. Consult a medical practitioner if you feel unwell or have any serious disease or illness.

What Is Ascension?

Ascension is, put, the elevation of our energy levels to a higher frequency.

In common spiritual parlance, ascension often describes the final elevation of our energy frequencies into the higher dimensions of consciousness.

However, this is just the last stage in the long process of ascension that begins with our spiritual awakening.

As we learn karmic lessons and improve our spiritual well-being, we harness and elevate our spiritual energies.

With each elevation, we have, in essence, ascended.

Ascension sickness tends to arise when our body struggles to keep up with the rate of spiritual ascension.

It is a natural response to a process that the human body is not very good at responding to.

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Essentially, ascension sickness happens when the body tries to “fix” the effects of spiritual ascension.Ascension Sickness 02

Symptoms Of Ascension Sickness

There are many symptoms of ascension sickness. We have listed a selection of the most common ones:

  • Headaches and migraines.
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Vision changes.
  • Changes in hearing.
  • Changes in taste and smell.
  • Muscle aches and pains.
  • Joint pains.
  • Stomach and digestive problems.
  • Light sensitivity.

 There are many more symptoms we have not listed for space.

Most of the symptoms we experience are individual to us, as they relate to the spiritual work we have done to affect our ascension.

For example, if we have recently activated or opened our heart chakra, this may manifest an ascension sickness that involves chest pains.

Dealing With Ascension Sickness

Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about ascension sickness except to let it pass.

This is simply a fact of living a spiritual life. We all have to bear the drawbacks of spiritual ascension as well as we all can reap the rewards of it.

But there are ways we can lessen our suffering during this time.

The best way to do this is to utilize healing crystals and aromatherapy as part of our regular meditative practice.

Lavender is a particularly useful aroma for ascension sickness as it has a calming effect on us and can suppress our body’s response to the ascension process.

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Even as we do this, we should ensure that we always consult a medical professional when we experience unexplained illness.

Due to the subjective nature of ascension sickness and spiritual energies as a whole, we are prone to misidentification in some cases.

So while meditative therapy can only do us good, we should always cover our bases and go to see a doctor.

Spiritual Meaning of Vomiting And Nauseamood swings

Spiritual sickness can cause every kind of symptom. Some of these symptoms can be physical, mental or emotional, and spiritual. 

The most common symptoms are headaches, mood swings, desire to isolate yourself from the rest of the world, nausea, dizziness, and more rarely vomiting too.

Even though you do not feel good physically, it is more likely that your spirit is making you sick for your conscious and subconscious mind to get rid of the negative elements stored in the Soul’s cells.

This process is essential to release what we need to let go of in our lives and rise to the next level on our spiritual path.

Many people do not realize that vomiting or nausea are also symptoms of spiritual ascension.

We might feel sick because we are working on purifying our body and Soul, which is necessary for spiritual ascension.

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Sometimes when you do not eat for hours or when your stomach is upset, this can be a symptom that your spirit wants to release something to purify itself.

While vomiting can be a sign of spiritual sickness, it can also be caused by a disease.

If you feel sick and weak, you have to see a medical specialist to determine the cause.   

Spiritual Cause of Symptoms

What can cause spiritual ascension symptoms?

Many people begin to have headaches when they are in the process of spiritual ascension.

The headache is usually located in the third eye area, and it may constantly bother you.

You may also feel pain on different parts of your eyes and a sensation similar to pins and needles in some areas.

This can be caused when pressure is built up between the head chakras and the crown chakra, which causes blockage of energy flow in the psychic body.

This blockage signifies that your spirit wants to move forward, and you need to let go of what is in your way.

The headache can signify…

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Disclaimer : This article is originally published in SpiritualUnite.com. All the rights of content are owned by SpiritualUnite.com. We have published a part of the article with due credits and link to the original author and source.

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