The Power of Desire

We talk about desire a lot at Sage Goddess, but what does it really mean? Are you fully aware of the potent magic that desire can create in your life when properly harnessed? Desire is more than sex and lust – although, that’s a nice chunk of it. In fact, desire is the essence and energy of sex – it flows from and is inspired by the same source. We all have access to desire. Whether we consciously know this, embrace it, and move on it is our choice. Desire is what creates worlds, literally and figuratively.

It’s the fuel that sparks your creative wheels turning with passion, revs your mental engine with sharpness, agility, and imagination, and pumps your body with vitality, stamina, and fortitude. And by the end of this blog, it’s my hope that you’ll be fully convinced of the power of desire and ready to infuse your life with more of it!

Make a Wish (a strong one)

So what exactly is desire? Desire is from the phrase, de sidere, which means, “from the stars.” When we think of stars in terms of desire, we think of wishing for something (or someone) or an experience that we want to receive. Desire is a strong longing and intense yearning for something. And, it’s this strong wanting that’s KEY to manifesting. Desire is the feeling that seals the arc of manifestation (seeing it, speaking it, FEELING it). And it’s often the missing link for many when it comes to calling forth the life they truly want to experience and live. Simply stated, if desire isn’t a part of it, it’s not going to happen.

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Take some time to think about the goals and intentions you’ve set recently. Have they come into form or are they still floating in the ether waiting on your desire to lasso them in? I want you to think of your goals and dreams with the same intense passion and curiosity as someone you’re interested in. Your desire, or longing for, is ultimately the thing that gets their attention and thus attracts or brings that person (or someone else in vibrational alignment) to you. Desire is the magnet. The same is for any intention you have. When you desire something strong enough, by the nature of this universe, the vibrational match of your desire will draw to you.

Desire and the Sacral Chakra

Desire lives in and emanates from the domain of the Sacral Chakra. No surprise, right? Your relationship to your Sacral Chakra is very important, especially when it comes to identifying your desires and feeling into them. The Sacral Chakra is our seat of creativity. It’s the space from which we birth all things – physical children, creative projects, new business ideas, and everything else. Anything we can ever imagine, intend, dream, or envision begins at the Sacral Chakra. And, the Sacral Chakra is very impressionable – meaning that it stores and carries the beliefs you have around your ability to create and call forth what you desire.

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It’s important to have clear channels for all you desire to flow to you. If these channels are blocked by fear, doubt, shame, or guilt – all of which can be stored in and are signs of a blocked and unbalanced Sacral Chakra – it becomes challenging for your desires to come to you. To assist with this, I recommend doing a Sacral Chakra clearing visualization. Sit in an easy, relaxed posture and place your hands on your Sacral Chakra/ lower abdomen area. Take three deep, long inhales and exhales to relax your body. As you continue to breathe, imagine …

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