Chakra Archetypes: The Ultimate Guide

Chakra Archetypes: Chakras & Their Archetypes

How many times have you watched a movie or a television series and reacted to a scene with, “Oh! I know what happens next.”?

That’s right! TV shows and movies are often predictable because they feed on the patterns of human nature.

For instance, if you’re watching a mythological movie, and you see a strong, handsome man with an elusive nature, in robes, wielding a sword, riding a horse, your mind automatically goes, “Yes, this is the heir to the throne, the knight in shining armor, who is going to save the day!”.

We may consider ourselves to be individualistic, but deep down, there’s a repeat of the same kind of emotions and reactions that have been a part of us through generations.

That’s why we make no hesitations in typecasting someone or something based on how they’re portrayed.

The similar characters and storylines that we often see repeated in books and movies are nothing but based on archetypes.

These are patterns in human nature that we identify with, and thus, we understand the positives and negatives associated with those patterns.

But how do these archetypes help you in your spiritual growth?

Well, they work quite well with your 7 primary chakras, which when properly channeled, can help you build further on the positives of each archetype that the chakras represent.

Let’s first break down to the basics of archetypes and then move on to the different archetypes that the chakras represent.

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What Are Chakras?

Chakras are vortexes of energy located throughout your body. They are part of your subtle body, not your physical body, and are responsible for your physical, emotional, and spiritual responses.

Although chakras are present throughout your being, the 7 primary chakras that run from your head through your spine to the base of your vertebrae are the ones that you need to care about when dealing with archetypes.

If you wanted to learn more about 7 chakras and their meanings, check out our Chakras For Beginners Guide.

Seven Chakras Chart For Beginners - Chakra Meaning

What Are Archetypes?

An archetype is a universal pattern of characteristics, behavior, and reactions. There are several archetypes and every one of us can be placed into at least one type. Every archetype involves both positive and negative qualities.

Archetypes speak to us because they have been drilled into our subconscious minds through a greater part of human history. They are also part of our folklore and mythological stories that have been ingrained into us through generations.


Archetypes of the Seven Chakras

It’s now time to dig a little deeper into what archetypes exist concerning the 7 primary chakras. Every chakra has a positive and a negative archetype. And when you know these better, it becomes easier to avoid the negative archetypes and harness the energy from the positive ones, which lead you to your spiritual journey.

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1. Root Chakra Archetypes

Root Chakra Muladhara Symbol Meaning

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and draws energy from Mother Earth. It’s responsible for controlling our sense of basic security and well-being, emotionally as well as physically. Let’s look at what its negative and positive archetypes are.

Negative Archetype – Victim

The victim archetype represents those who have lost their grounding and believe that external forces such as fate control their lives. Some characteristics of this archetype are as below.

  • They feel that they are at the mercy of forces beyond their control
  • They feel as if they have no choice
  • They depend on others to take all of their decisions
  • Fear is usually one of the strongest emotions that they feel

Grounding and rooting to the basics of life by utilizing the vital life force of the root chakra is one of the ways to come out of the victim archetype and feel more empowered.

Positive Archetype – Mother

As the name suggests, the mother archetype is all about nourishment, care, and vigilance. This positive archetype cares for the life force within the body and builds it to achieve the mind’s spiritual goals. Here’s how to recognize this archetype.

  • They take care of themselves as a mother would to a child
  • They are connected with their needs and do things to fulfill them
  • They have improved capacity for loving themselves and others
  • They are independent and do not project their needs in front of the world
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In difficult times, it is this positive archetype that we fall back on that rescues us from victimhood. It helps us rebuild, sustain, and heal ourselves through love.

Root Chakra Mother Archetype

2. Sacral Chakra Archetypes

Sacral Chakra Svadhishthana Symbol Meaning

Located below the abdomen, the sacral chakra gives us an idea of what we enjoy doing and what brings us a sense of pleasure. It could be something as simple as food or people, or it could be slightly more complicated as to what satisfies our spiritual quest. And of course, the chakra has negative and positive archetypes, too. Let’s see what they are.

Negative Archetype – Martyr

This archetype is similar to the victim, the difference being that while the victim…

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