Chakra Yoga: Best Yoga Poses For 7 Chakras

The chakras link the metaphysical with the physical world and the practice of yoga is inseparably related to the chakras. 

Yoga encompasses the chakras as a profound journey to spiritual awakening because that is what yoga has always been about.

Yoga is the gateway to higher levels of consciousness. It is a path for channeling your spiritual energies into the body and radiating them out into the world.

The main goal of chakra-based yoga is to awaken the Divine within you by bringing you into contact with the sacred energy of Shakti, which flows freely through the central energetic channels called nadis (ida, pingala, and sushumna), and activates all of your seven chakras.

Yoga practice focused on the chakras is a way to prepare the body for the emergence of this Divine energy.

In this article, we are going to explore how to use the sacred practice of yoga to bring more balance to your physical body and subtle, energetic body.

You are going to learn how to use appropriate yoga poses (asanas) to work with each of your chakras. 

Let’s begin!

What Are Chakras?

According to ancient Hindu scriptures, chakras are unified energy centers that run from the base of the spine to the crown of the head.

In Sanskrit, the word “chakra” means “wheel” and each chakra spins in a circular rhythm at its own speed, funneling energies from the universe into the body’s energetic system.

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In the same way, as anatomy books explain the architecture of the body through the skeletal, muscular, or nervous system, the chakra system describes the composition of the soul through seven subtle energy centers.

Each chakra has a different effect on our lives based on whether it is in balance or out of balance. Meditation and yoga are some of the best ways that can help you to achieve this balance.

Chakras In The Body - 7 Chakras Chart

Chakra Yoga Benefits

Physical postures and breathing techniques, known as Pranayama in yoga, can aid in the relaxation of accumulated stress in the body and the alignment of the chakras.

Through the practice of physical yoga poses (asanas), you will restore the healthy rhythm of your seven chakras and bring more peace to your mind, body, and spirit.

Adding yoga to your everyday routine is a perfect way to loosen up and align all seven chakras of your body.

There are many yoga poses, which can be used for individual chakras, but ultimately they will all provide many benefits for your subtle body as a whole. 


Chakra Yoga Poses

Many, if not most, yoga postures listed in this article affect several chakras at the same time.

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Other postures affect one or more chakras based on the interpretation of the pose. Postures for one chakra can help to open another. As a result, some of the asanas might show up in more than one chakra.

We are going to start our yoga journey from the bottom of the chakra system (root chakra) and move all the way up to the crown chakra.

1. Root Chakra Yoga

Root Chakra Muladhara Symbol Meaning

  • ColorRed
  • ElementEarth
  • Location: Perineum
  • Sanskrit NameMuladhara
  • MeaningRoot Support
  • Seed Sound, Mantra: LAM
  • AffirmationI Am

Positioned at the base of your spine, the root chakra houses the primal energy of the life force known as Kundalini.

The first chakra, or Muladhara in Sanskrit, rules all aspects of your survival, security, and it allows you to feel grounded in your physical body. When your first chakra is open and healthy, you feel calm and safe.

Let’s have a look at the chart with yoga poses for the root chakra:

Root Chakra Yoga Poses Asanas Chart

The best yoga asanas (poses) which work on stimulating and releasing energy from the root chakra come from hatha yogaHatha yoga practice is an old system of yoga, also known as conscious relaxation.

This particular style of yoga is great for the root chakra because it involves grounding and relaxing each part of the body through the practice of asanas (body poses) as well as breathing exercises (pranayama).

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How long to hold each hatha posture?
It is recommended to hold Hatha yoga postures 45 to 60 seconds or for about 10-12 deep breaths.

Try some of the following poses to stimulate your root chakra:

  • Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
  • Thunderbolt Pose (Vajrasana)
  • Garland Pose (Malasana)
  • Staff Pose (Dandasana)
  • Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
  • Bridge Pose (Setu Bhandasana)
  • Warrior II Pose (Virabhadrasana II)
  • Knee-to-Chest Pose (Apanasana)
  • Head-to-Knee Pose (Janus Sirasana)

Some of these asanas are described in more detail in the Root Chakra Yoga Poses article on our blog. 

2. Sacral Chakra Yoga

Sacral Chakra Svadhishthana Symbol Meaning

  • Color: Orange
  • Element: Water
  • Location: Sacrum
  • Sanskrit Name: Svadhishthana
  • Meaning: Sweetness
  • Seed Sound, Mantra: VAM
  • AffirmationI Feel

The sacral chakra helps you to express your emotions in a healthy way. The second chakra, or Svadhisthana in Sanskrit, rules all aspects of your sexuality, sensuality, relationships, and emotional intelligence. Its color is orange, and it…

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