Mandala Meaning | What Is Mandala?

Mandala Meaning What is Mandala Art

There’s something fascinating about mandalas and their divine geometry.

Founder of analytic psychology, Carl Jung discovered that there is a deep, symbolic meaning to these circular drawings and described them as the “archetypes of wholeness”.

At the core of our existence, we all try understand ourselves and our place in the Universe.

Mandalas help us to reach that understanding as they represent both the perfect, cosmic harmony, and the wholeness of the personality.

Carl Jung might have introduced Mandalas to the Western world through his psychoanalysis work, but mandalas have been around for at least 2,000 years and they are prominent part of Hindu, Buddhist, and Shintoism cultures.

Throughout Tibet mandala is referred to as Khyil khor, which is the core of the existence where a truly awakened being resides.

It is believed that symbols used in mandala design can assist you in navigating to the deepest areas of your subconscious mind and connect you with your Higher Self.

The purpose of this article is to satisfy your curiosity on these beautiful, spiritual symbols and show you how they can transform your life for better.

Furthermore, you will learn more about mandala meaning, discover few facts about mandala history and get some simple tips on how to draw your first mandala.

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Ultimately, this knowledge has really helped me to find my inner peace and understand my role in life.

I am certain that it will be very useful for you too.

Without further ado, let’s just dive into the world of sacred geometry!

Carl Jung Mandala Quote

What Is Mandala?

Mandala can be best described as a geometrical design with ring structures, which have repeated patterns, shapes and colours branching out from the center.

Mandala composition blends various symmetrical forms into divine, cosmic diagram.

Mandalas can look pretty complicated, but in fact they are made up of basic geometric elements and symbols that are layered together to construct this hypnotizing, repetitive pattern.

Mandala is considered to be one of the most powerful forms of art known to date, which has the capability to unlock the unlimited potential of our mind.

Once activated, mandala’s energy can help us to improve our daily life and bring all of our blessings into this world.

It will show us how to cope with our struggles and face any difficulties from the place of inner peace. 

Mandala Sacred Geometry Examples

Meaning of Mandala

The term ‘Mandala’ originates from the Sanskrit and it means ‘circle’ or ‘center’.

The circle is mankind’s most natural shape and most of our Galaxy comprises of spherically formed worlds, planets and stars.
The cells and atoms that create all things in the Universe are circular.

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In many cultures mandala is considered to be a sacred symbol that represents the essence of the Universe and our connection with the never ending cycle of life.

Mandalas were traditionally created with a specific, symbolic meaning and used during certain sacred rituals as tools of contemplation, and meditation.

During ceremonies, the mandala served as a spiritual instrument used to focus the practitioner’s mind and induce a deep, meditative state of trance.

Mandala represents that semi-imaginary place that we reach during the meditation practice.

Hypnotic state of meditation allows us to transcend to a higher state of consciousness, increase our awareness and gain a better understanding of ourselves.

Mandalas have other uses beyond meditation, as the designs are intended to quiet down the thinking mind and enable the creative mind to free itself and relax.

As you can see mandalas can have few meanings and uses.

Let’s have a look at all of the possible ways mandalas can be used.

Monks Making Tibetan Sand Mandala Art

How Mandalas Are Used?

  1. Mandalas are used to represent different aspects of the Universe.
  2. Drawing mandalas can help us to understand universal teachings such as:
    – Everything is inter-connected and we are all part of the One Universe
    – Everything in the Universe works in a perfect harmony
    – Nothing is permanent and attachment is the root of all suffering
  3. Mandalas can be used as meditation and contemplation tools during spiritual ceremonies and rituals to focus the mind.
  4. Mandalas are nowadays often used in therapy to represent the patient’s “wholeness” and to encourage self-expression.
  5. They are sometimes used in architecture.
  6. Mandalas can be seen on spiritual emblems across many cultures and religions to portray images of deities and sacred symbols.  
  7. All 7 chakras lotuses are in fact perfect examples of mandala.
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7 Chakras Mandala Lotuses



What Are Mandala Types?

There are numerous types of mandalas found in different cultures and used for a wide range of purposes, both creative and spiritual. Below are three major mandala types and their uses:

Teaching Mandala:

As the name suggests, teaching mandala allows one to pass the knowledge of drawing mandalas.

Students develop their own…

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