Can I Write a Manifestation Journal On My Phone? | Aglow Lifestyle

Manifestation journals are a fantastic tool that can help you achieve your goals.

They allow you to focus on your goals and also notice the small successes.

Traditionally, manifestation journals are written in hard copy, on paper.

But in this era of digital everything, can manifestation journals be written on our phones?

The answer is yes.

Writing (or typing) on your phone to manifest your desires is a powerful tool, and the process works similar to writing down manifestations with a pen and journal.

With just about everyone having a phone in their pocket, it makes scripting and manifesting your intentions a lot easier.

As manifestation and law of attraction expert, Julie Collins explains “it’s easy to create reminders on your phone, and it’s even easier to see all of your manifestations in one place if you script them out on your phone.”

Oh, and for all of you asking “can I manifest on notes app?”, yes you can.

I’ve got my manifestation journal written into the notes app on my iPhone. I use it regularly to manifest all sorts of goals.

Does manifesting on your phone work?

Yes, manifesting on your phone does work.

A lot of people think that writing their manifestation journal on their phones won’t be as effective.

However, this is entirely false.

I have found that writing a manifestation journal on your phone can be just as effective as writing a manifestation journal on paper.

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I wrote my current manifestation journal from the beginning of January to July of this year on my phone using the Notes app.

Every single one of these manifestations was achieved by writing in my manifestation journal.

If I had written them on paper, it wouldn’t have made any difference because I was still following the best practices for manifesting.

As long as you can keep your focus on your goals, believe that they are possible, and act as if they are already achieved, writing a manifestation journal on your phone shouldn’t be any problem.

How do I manifest something on my phone?

The steps to manifesting on your phone are the same as creating a manifestation journal by writing on paper.

The only significant difference is that you write a manifestation journal in hard copy on paper, and for the other, you type your manifestations directly onto your phone.

Below are the 6 steps you’ll need to follow to manifesting something on your phone:

1. Choose a format

For your digital manifestation journal, you want to choose a format that works best for you.

Are you going to focus on manifesting long-term or short-term goals?

Long-term manifestations tend to be bigger and more in-depth. They usually span over months or even years as part of your life journey. For example, manifesting to buy your dream house.

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Whereas short-term manifestations tend to be smaller achievements that don’t take as much time to manifest. For example, manifesting going out for a coffee with a friend.

If you’re new to manifestation, it may be easier to start with smaller, short-term manifestations first.

2. Be clear about what you want

Manifesting your desires into reality will always work best when you’re clear about exactly what you want.

The more precise and detailed the picture you have of your manifestation, the easier it will be to manifest.

You should start asking yourself and answering questions like:

  • What is my goal?
  • Where do I want this goal to take me?
  • What do I need?
  • Do I want to manifest something career-based?
  • Do I want to manifest something relationship-based?

The more detailed and clear you are, the better.

And remember, your desires should always be based on what you want, not what someone else wants. You should feel passionate and excited about what you’re manifesting.

3. Visualize

Once you have your clearly defined goal, you’ll want to start visualizing what it will look like when you achieve your goal.

This is one of the most important steps for manifesting anything into reality.

Close your eyes and visualize what it will look like when you achieve your goal.

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You want to see it in as much detail as possible.

Think about how you’ll feel when you achieve your goal.

How will it change your life?

Your mind is an incredibly powerful tool for manifesting things into reality, so use visualization as much as possible!

You can also draw pictures of what you’re visualizing or write detailed stories on how everything unfolds and is achieved.

4. Start typing!

Writing down (or typing out in this case) how you feel about having already achieved that goal is the next step in creating a digital manifestation journal.

If you’re having trouble with this step, try to think of all the ways that achieving your goal will positively impact your life.

For example, if you could manifest a new house for yourself, write how it feels to live in that new house every day.

How will it change your life?

What are the benefits of owning a home?

Keep typing until you feel really good about starting the kick-off process towards…

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